I still wouldn't base my entire opinion on someone over one discussion regarding whether something is or isn't a genocide. I hope he doesn't like diet coke or chew with his mouth open.
UN is not calling it a genocide though? The entire report your link refers to does not mention genocide. It does make a clear point of massive discrimination etc though ä.
This link doesn’t support the claim that the UN called these events a genocide. It lists all sorts of human rights violations on a massive scale, but it doesn’t use the word genocide.
I suppose the crux of the matter is that it was the USA, not the UN, and then some of its close allies who named the events a “genocide”.
After this the frontiers harden, nobody talks any more about the actual events, but about the terminology.
I’ll never understand anybody who isn’t skeptical of what America tries to say about it’s enemies anymore. I don’t know if there’s a genocide happening in China. But most of the world except the United States seems to think there isn’t. And that’s a big fucking red flag to me.
If there is one happening and people are being propagandized into denying it, I blame the United States whole heartedly for the embarrassing amount of disinformation they shit out on a daily basis about China.
Because the United Nations most certainly recognises the genocide, as do many other independent human-rights organisations. oh and the leaked documents.