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‘I’d Have Told Them to F*ck Off’: Succession Star Brian Cox Says AI Is a Human Rights Issue | Actors entered their 100th day on strike last week in part over demands for protections against AI. ‘I’d Have Told Them to F*ck Off’: Succession Star Brian Cox Says AI Is a Human Rights Issue

Hollywood actors entered their 100th day on strike last week in part over demands for contractual protections against AI.

‘I’d Have Told Them to F*ck Off’: Succession Star Brian Cox Says AI Is a Human Rights Issue

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‘I’d Have Told Them to F*ck Off’: Succession Star Brian Cox Says AI Is a Human Rights Issue | Hollywood actors entered their 100th day on strike last week in part over demands for contractual prote...::Hollywood actors entered their 100th day on strike last week in part over demands for contractual protections against AI.

  • Actors want their new union contracts to give them consideration and consent rights over how AI is used and adequate compensation if they decide to give producers the go-ahead.

    That’s extremely reasonable and I can’t believe the studios won’t give them this simple thing.

  • It's the same old story of tech shaking things up. This time it's actors drawing the line, making headlines because, well, they're actors and their stage is way bigger.

    Nobody's saying identity theft isn't an issue. But to say all AI is bad is like telling the horse to trash talk cars. Progress is about moving forward, not getting trapped in a loop protecting what we're used to. We adapt or we get left behind, simple as that.

    • But to say all AI is bad is like telling the horse to trash talk cars.

      No. It's like telling chimps to trash talk humans. Your argument is the same as nuclear bomb development...and look what that has led to.

      For now, so-called AI is in advanced toy stages, copying pixels and digital audio without independently understanding what it's doing. For now. If you don't think it will eventually replace you—and sooner than you think—you're extremely naïve.

      • Oh wow, your argument is so solid. I must defend my place in society because progress is allegedly bad, otherwise I will be replaced by something more meaningful and efficient. You call me naive, but have you read yourself? You probably think that wielding words like 'nuclear bombs' gives your statement weight. To consider technology intrinsically good or bad is barely something a five-year-old might argue. Bravo, you've outdone yourself. You're probably also among those who think nuclear energy is inherently harmful.

        I work in AI, what you fear is precisely what I'm waiting for. I can't wait to see jobs like taxi driving automated—indeed, any dehumanizing job that involves mindless repetition because our technology hasn't caught up yet. As for actors, we're already doing almost everything in CGI; do you really think we'll stick to old methods out of respect for the past workers? Not much different from arguing that streaming platforms should have been illegal, so that Blockbuster would have remained open.

        Will I be replaced? Oh, how strongly I hope so. I can't wait to see the beauty of progress in motion. It's clear that your fear sabotages your understanding of AI, and your description of it as a mere 'advanced toy' copying pixels and sounds could not be more telling.

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