The way of the Blockbuster 2: Electric Boogaloo
The way of the Blockbuster 2: Electric Boogaloo
The way of the Blockbuster 2: Electric Boogaloo
Then floodgates of piracy opened as a means of being with exorbitant prices on music, and then television.
The solution for the industry was to make it more convenient to pay them than it was to steal. Stealing never stopped, it just lessened, because it was more convenient to pay.
Critical mistake, making it difficult for us to get what we want...
The fact that there are 11 quadrillion streaming services now makes me suspect that there actually cannot be a secret cabal of shady business types running the world. Because they are all far too interested in competing with each other to actually notice that if they stop doing that then they'd be better off.
That's why they all try to buy each other
Difficult is an understatement.
I'm traveling overseas now, and my totally valid Paramount subscription doesn't work in Portugal and I can't watch lower decks anywhere even if I'm willing to double pay for it.
The irony if that I downloaded episodes to watch offline on plane, they're literally inside my phone.
Wait till you hear about YouTube premium making it imposible to watch downloaded videos already on your phone unless it can phone home every 3 days. The videos on your phone, you can't wstc it until you get in touch with daddy google, defeating the point of downloading a video for offline viewing.
This right here. Apple did a very artful job of making everything available way back when on a unified storefront with "everything". Netflix did much the same, and for a time it was "everything enough" until each studio decided it was a good idea to make their own storefront. The mistake is that they inadvertently rekindled piracy not so much because of the pricing, but due to the convenience factor. Now the piracy is most convenient because it has it all in one spot. People will pay for content, that's not the issue. It's the same old adage as going to the same grocery store that just has all the shit you need so you don't have to drive all over town.
yeah we're running our own plex server now and it's been amazing. too many price hikes and reductions in quality of service. over it
Throw a tv tuner in front of a Plex server and you get magic!
Oh, can you use Plex as a DVR then?
Ye, this is one thing I did for the folks, so there is always new stuff even when I'm not managing it. They have like 20 shows they are slowly recording.
I got the HDHomeRun Extend, 2 tuners in one unit. Slap an antenna on the wall and boom, extra functionality.
If by magic you mean it will automatically record gigabytes of ads for you right out of thin air and sprinkle them throughout all the content...
OTA is unwatchable.
My plex server is the best streaming experience I ever had. Only stopped running it because I just wasn’t watching anything for a good bit. More time on my hands now, so time for a revival.
Obscenely true
Spot on
All of you folks using Plex should check out Jellyfin, it may suit your needs better.
I keep trying, I have an extremely large collection and it keeps falling flat on metadata matching. Especially with anime, yes I have installed the add-ons. They still suck. And for whatever reason it's transcoding performance is nowhere near as good. It also still has an unresolved memory leak issue with a ticket that's been open for a long long time about it. I want to replace Plex but it needs to be with something as good as Plex
I use jellyfin a lot for anime, no plugins. I just label all my folders like kaguya_sama_[tmdbid-12345]
As long as the The Movie DB id is there, aboslutely no problems indexing.
I had a lot of trouble jellyfin and anime until I started putting things into season folders, even if they only had one season. So if I had Ano Hana I'd put the episodes in a folder like this
Media Disk/Anime/Ano Hana/Season 1/episodes_here
If it's a movie, then it goes into a folder with other movies.
Media Disk/Anime Movies/movies_here
Once I started doing that, Jellyfin automatically recognized most Anime.
Emby is the premium version of Jellyfin. I have found the meta information works a lot better. I haven’t done much transcoding but it does support it, and there are more apps to access it. Not too happy with the iOS app but the LG WebOS app works great.
How so?
I’m just happy with all the pirate sites today. Works fine for me. I’m about to cancel everything.
I have been rekindling my patronage to my county's libraries and
Sure, these are DVDs, but they can be upscaled and are easily backed up.
I buy a crap load of books like I have a spending problem, but I get them used from bookstores and thriftstores. Libraries will always have something I can't find, with the added glory of browsing serendipity.
Sure, I like to pirate, but there is more treasure at your ports than you think.
It has content from almost every country, not just yours.
I feel you misread. I mean what I spelled, county, the collection of cities that define the specific region I live in.
My library card gives me access to many libraries in that county, which yes, has works from people across the globe.
We need more One Piece Live action memes
I went in blind, not knowing anything about One Piece other than it is a long running anime. Easily my favorite show I've watched in 2023 so far.
All it took for me to take up sailing full time was the removal of King of the Hill from Netflix. I couldn’t find it anywhere at first, so I did the next logical step. I later found out that it was available on Hulu. Asinine. I feel like Hank would have done the same thing, for the principle of it alone.
Plex is so much better than Netflix, or really any other streaming service, in my opinion. I have all of the content that I want, and supplement the rest with my favorite YouTubers.
I recently looked at buying NBA league pass in the UK, £100 to watch games that aren’t on at a reasonable time and still full of ads…
Now I’ve set up RSS to download the games, and the uploaders even cut the ads and intermissions.
Do they have NHL and if so is it possible to learn your powers?
(Edit: But don't post links to pirated content here lest they be found by the DCMA bots, DM them if necessary please, and thank you.)
Haha jellyfin go brrrrrrr
I understand the sentiment, but Netflix having a monopoly on streaming content wasn't a good situation, either.
The ideal solution is multiple competing services with the same content.
Like music streaming services figured out years ago.
I'd recommend considering how the recently expired,_Inc. would have applied to streaming services.
Does Walmart have a monopoly on kinder chocolate? The idea is to have several distributors each with as complete a catalog as possible. Having such a shattered offers between platforms makes it very noncompetitive against any piracy solution.
This right here dammit.
There is a difference between 1, 4 and 30 streaming services...
The usurper delivered us from the evil that was cable or nothing.
You either die a hero or live long enough to become the enemy. The cycle must repeat
And a bottle of rum!
For around two years now I'm using Kodi with Seren and Real-Debrid on my Smart TV and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.
i have never paid for any streaming services and will never tbh
Rather support directly than through this anti-consumer bs
What does "support directly" mean? Like you're going to cut checks to the entire cast and crews of the shows you watch?