It was like being in an episode
It was like being in an episode
It was like being in an episode
A Final Unity! One of the best Trek games out there! I love how they managed to actually fit a real astrometrics puzzle within the context of a point and click adventure game.
If you’re a fan of Star Trek adventure games, make sure to give the new Star Trek: Resurgence a shot. It’s done by some ex-Telltale employees, and makes really good use of the genre to tell a fun Starfleet adventure off with a new ship and crew.
I really enjoyed Resurgence starting out, and without giving too much away, I liked the general thrust of the story, but man there are certain points along the way where you really see the Telltale cracks in the Trek facade.
Never played it. Is there a easy way to play in on modern hardware?
I have no experience with this, but I found this guide.
If you happen to be on linux, there are likely guides out there for that, too. I would think there is a decent amount of overlap of people who want to play old Star Trek games and people who are interested in linux.
A lot of the old Trek games are available on GOG, but sadly A Final Unity isn't one of them. I assume there's some kind of licensing problem holding it up?
I wonder why there weren't more games in the same style :-/
25th Anniversary, Judgment Rites, A Final Unity... Ooh, Bridge Commander too! :3 . Also some of the others, including Harbinger and the Elite Force games and a few I forget the names of 😅There are many Trekky funs to be had :3 Hell, I'd even consider doing another run through some STO.
Also, is it just me or is the OP image removed lt;.lt;
OT: This picture reminds me of