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  • A Final Unity! One of the best Trek games out there! I love how they managed to actually fit a real astrometrics puzzle within the context of a point and click adventure game.

    If you’re a fan of Star Trek adventure games, make sure to give the new Star Trek: Resurgence a shot. It’s done by some ex-Telltale employees, and makes really good use of the genre to tell a fun Starfleet adventure off with a new ship and crew.

    • I really enjoyed Resurgence starting out, and without giving too much away, I liked the general thrust of the story, but man there are certain points along the way where you really see the Telltale cracks in the Trek facade.

  • 25th Anniversary, Judgment Rites, A Final Unity... Ooh, Bridge Commander too! :3 . Also some of the others, including Harbinger and the Elite Force games and a few I forget the names of 😅There are many Trekky funs to be had :3 Hell, I'd even consider doing another run through some STO.

    Also, is it just me or is the OP image removed lt;.lt;