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  • This might have rung true until 2014.

    Ironically, Google has stopped integrating Dialer into the Android Open Source Project, much like they abandoned the stock Music app in 2013 to promote commercial “alternatives” like Google Play Music. ROM builders and vendors will have to bring their own dialer, and we will need to trust them to maintain one without spyware, ads, support for up-to-date technology and with patches to any security vulnerabilities without help from Google's dev team.

    Louis Rossmann’s commentary: Odysee/YouTube/Piped

    Now AOSP is arguably incomplete (for phones, at least) but still better than the nonexistent iOS Open Source Project. If you want to dunk on Google, I suggest meming about these up-to-date issues rather than reminding us that Android sucked 10 years ago when compared to an iPhone 5 of the time.