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  • ChatGPT has mostly given me very poor or patently wrong answers. Only once did it really surprise me by showing me how I configured BGP routing wrong for a network. I was tearing my hair out and googling endlessly for hours. ChatGPT solved it in 30 seconds or less. I am sure this is the exception rather than the rule though.

    • It all depends on the training data. If you pick a topic that it happens to have been well trained on, it will give you accurate, great answers. If not, it just makes things up. It's been somewhat amusing, or perhaps confounding, seeing people use it thinking it's an oracle of knowledge and wisdom that knows everything. Maybe someday.

  • Personally I've abandoned ChatGPT in favor of Claude. It's much more reliable.

  • I imagine there’s a drop off in casual usage. It’s a trending thing and I’m sure a lot of people checked it out a few times for the novelty of it.

  • when Italy banned ChatGPT due to privacy concerns, I tried Bing that was still working and it’s just loads and loads better due to its access to the internet. when it got finally unblocked again, it felt like speaking to a past image of someone, rather than something alive and actual like Bing.

    • Sydney-Bing was awesome when it was new, and they made it lamer and lamer. I can only imagine how much more fun it is to talk to the ones that aren't nerfed.

  • It was in the major TV news cycle for weeks but now it's back to normal levels I'd say. Curious onlookers without a real need have moved on.