We are missing out on a entire cultures shitposts! Rule
We are missing out on a entire cultures shitposts! Rule
We are missing out on a entire cultures shitposts! Rule
Aren't a lot of them fascists posting islamophic/ anti-queer shit?
Perhaps, but a lot of them are radicalized too, because their government is so obviously villainous.
Bro they’re almost 20% of the population of the world, there’s some that support everything. The only political stuff I’ve seen o my weibo or 小红书 (little red book) feeds political lately have all been supporting Palestine and condemning Israel though, if you care for anecdotal data.
Aren't you going home each night to sit with your thumb up your butt? Plenty of people are saying it, believe me.
Do you think there arent chinese racists?
And what if I do? 😳👉👈
Do you guys…speak Chinese? I don’t. So they wouldn’t do me any good. In fact, I’m pretty sure I’ve come across them and couldn’t read them.
Doesn’t the great firewall mostly censor access within the country? It searches for keywords of topics they don’t want their people reading. As for information leaving/entering the country, it’s still accessible, it just prioritizes domestic information. But yeah, sounds like a great system that would totally pwn me and my beliefs as an anti-statist and someone who sees communism as flawed—not to mention whatever china is operating under now, which sure as shit isn’t communism lol
There are about as many Chinese people who speak English as a second language as there are Americans speaking English natively.
I'm sure you would notice it if they had unrestricted access to the internet. They can't all be lurking.
Doesn’t the great firewall mostly censor access within the country?
Yeah, I was gonna say this meme has got the labels backwards.
Tankie punks fuck off!
It sounds like you should be fucking off right along with your Nazi buddies.
Also there's nothing super-woke about being a boot licking Tankie, y'all tankies are just Nazis that like a little bit of socialism with their mass murder and genocide.
Part of being woke is respecting life, and tankies only respect what their strong man dictators tell them to respect, furthest thing possible from being woke without being a Nazi shithead.
"Hundreds of millions of Chinese Communists"? Millions at the very best. The vast majority of them are apolitical beyond somewhat basic approaches of "the government does good/bad thing for me, so government good/bad" like most people everywhere. And I'm not going to accept that the Chinese who actually simp for the government are actually Communists if they simp for a government that allows billionaires to accrue even more wealth through exploiting people, persecute minorities and tentatively dips its toes into imperialism. None of that shit is in the Communist Manifesto. If you disagree with this take, you're unironically agreeing with tankies.
Communism isn't a problem, just like actual christlike Christians aren't a problem.
The problem is the susceptibility to abusive power. Capitalism is bad at that, but communism is terrible at it.
communism isnt susceptibil to abusive power. the marxist leninist transition state is.
guess what, when a small group of ppl has full power over a state, ppl and economy "to transform it into a monyeless, stateless and classless society", they will make sure to create a system that favours themsleves instead and that their state never withers away.
We need to work together to create one big shitposting network. Mr Xi, tear down that firewall.
I wonder how many Chinese are actually communists considering how it's the most capitalist country in the world and has been so for a long while, being communist just in the name.
I play Foxhole with a few guys from mainland China, there in Singapore at the moment. It's kind of a weird mindset, they see it more as they got there wealth from Communism? But now see themselves as capitalists. Basically they say almost no one actually buys into the "CCP" bit more a ignorance is bliss thing. They compare it to the 10% of radical right wingers in states. But they do believe things should be better and generally people are naturally expecting more of there government. I kinda stole the meme from a discord, so im by know means an expert. From what I hear though general vibe I've gotten from mainlanders is ignorance is bliss, we want better, ya we know this is bull shit but it's our country.
Chinese reaction images are so hilarious lmao