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  • Another fun fact: this is not just a gaming fact, it can be applied anywhere piss babies have to learn from women.

    • Can confirm: I had a programming management position in the early 2000s, and once had a dev screaming at me with his nose less than two inches from my own after I called him out for egregious project delays (I was a programmer, too). I asked him if he’d like to take it outside, but he declined. Exactly the same energy I’ve had from others as a girl gamer.

      I’ve never seen that behaviour towards men in a professional setting, but some of these immature boys seem to think it’s okay to act that way towards women.

      And that’s why I gave up on multiplayer games years ago. I play to have fun, not to be the dartboard for these children’s unresolved mommy issues when I’m not even getting paid for it.

      e: hey downvoters, how about you reply with why you took issue with my comment. I’m honestly curious about what I said that you didn’t like. Was it that you’re manchildren who can only challenge people you perceive as lesser than yourselves, and that’s only women and children, or was it that I called you out in the first place? Please, let me know where on this porcelain doll I hurt you.

      The absolute least you can do is to tell me how my words injure you so. Downvoting with no comment is a bitch move.

  • Skill issue? Okay- it's a well-landed burn.

    But more on the button, it's an insecurity issue. You can be low-skilled (maybe a beginner?) and not try to bully women when you're getting beat or in your feels about it. It's always the insecure men that do this.

  • The irony of course being that by doing this they lower their status anyway. People respect you more when you respect others

    • Some folks just cannot control bad mood and act before they think.
      Or they don't care anyway.