It's so much easier to comment on Lemmy because it isn't a toxic cesspool waiting to tear you apart
It feels like people are a lot nicer here than on Twitter and Reddit, and even when people disagree, it's generally civil and not an all-out flame war. Also, there's no algorithm promoting outrage all the time.
For me, the anticipation of toxicity was a huge deterrent for me ever participating in real discussions, but here I feel like I can be myself.
Add to it, some of us habitual lurkers (me for example) find it not as meaningless to comment. Didn't want to do it often because most comments get buried and it would feel empty and kinda pointless.
A small handful of people are working to change that, you find them here and there. Easy to identify as they downvote based on "I don't like that.", they're not really capable of greater complexity usually. Or that's how it seems anyway.
We should expect it to get worse though, as our population grows. It's inevitable, the internet is the internet. Our initially strong culture is an excellent sign though, if our growth continues at a measured pace, we should be able to maintain it for some time.
I feel like there isn't a "hive mind" on Lemmy like there was/is on Reddit. Even if just a few folks disagreed with your opinion on Reddit, everyone else felt like they HAD to downvote it too and then the next thing you know, you're being downvoted to oblivion. Here, it seems that folks actually respect your opinion whether or not they agree with it; and while you may get a few downvotes or more, people aren't afraid of upvoting your comment either.
I like lurking, with a comment here or there. I have noticed the comment sections are giant circle jerks with everyone congratulating each other on how smart and civil they are. Better than aggression and trolling but still... ew.
I already see it and it bums me out. People are already stepping in a discussion just to be aggressively mean for no reason. I hope we can reply to them with patience instead of feeding the monster (or, just, y'know, don't engage)
Grumblegrumble this is our chance to be different!
How dare you say something like this? Who do you think you are?!
j/k of course. This community has definitely been like a breath of fresh air after metaphorically living for years in a crowded bunker where everyone was constantly passing gas. I'm happy to be here.
It's wild. Maybe it's a honeymoon period where we're all in this big spaceship together, or maybe that's just what it's gonna be like! There's a sort of liberating feeling of being on Lemmy that I think brings out the best in people
My very first ever post on Reddit,12 years ago, the first commentor called me a fa**ot and the second commentor told me 'KYS'. I posted a picture of a dog sitting in the driver seat of a car with his elbow hanging out and he was wearing a sweater. It was discouraging to say the least and burned me pretty bad. I deleted the post, tried to wipe it from my memory, continued on reddit for the next decade treading lightly knowing how toxic and mean it could be.
I think one thing people need to keep in mind how small this community is right now.
Right now communities are big if they have a couple thousand subscribers, and the portion of people here generally have a commonality in choosing this place over places like reddit.
I time, those opposing opinions will come but I think it is good to try and temper them with the reminder that we do not want to live in an echo chamber. Best we can do is encourage people to engage in a way that makes everyone feel welcome.
Probably because all of us are real people struggling to find an alternative to Reddit where we used to spend our time in. No bots, no algorithms, just real people trying to make our new home a better place.
What the heck did you just flipping say about me, you big meanie? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Tiny Tots Program, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the girl's bathroom, and I have over 300 confirmed noogies. I am trained in Nerf warfare and I have the most gold stars in the entire kindergarten class. You are nothing to me but just another butthead. I will beat you the heck up with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my dang words. You think you can get away with saying that baloney to me on the glowy type-box? Think again, doodiehead. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of teachers across the USA and your parents are being called to pick you up right now so you better prepare for the spanking, junior. The spanking that wipes out the dumb little thing you call your playtime. You're in big darn trouble, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can wedgie you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed fartfights, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States PTA and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your dorky bottom off the face of the playground, you little poopypants. If only you could have known what serious punishments your little "smartypants" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your goshdarned tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you silly doofus. I will spray boogers all over you and you will cry about it. You're frickin grounded, buttmunch.
Eh. I've already spotted some ideological zealots and full threads pandering to them on here, sadly. I think if Lemmy does take off, we'll sadly see that culture of toxicity blossom here too.
Give it time. Should it become more popular the trolls will come. In fact I've seen a few already (some anti Ukraine posts makes me think those were professionals trying to shift opinion, but what do I know).
My main motivator to comment here is this being federated, a decentralized network that belongs to no one but the community.
I'm old enough, and I have been on the internet for quite long to know that we can't trust centralized platforms. If you add to that the misplaced incentives of profit and what you get is simply a community time-bomb.
But here? Here we have a completely different scenario. We may still post shit like beans for the lulz, but this happens organically. The end game is just this, and not some fucked corporate agenda.
I'm not counting on it staying that way, but that's ok. Upvote systems, dedicated channels, etc, will always promote a type of groupthink but you can always opt out of a community. Like if Lemmy gets it's own r/conservative, or something, I would likely not comment there.
That said, there are definitely malicious actors at play on most mainstream platforms, stoking anger and divisiveness. Even proof that fake news is spread for that exact reason. You won't see that here for a while but if it does come, I'm not sure if this system is setup to protect against it.
Agreed, on other platforms, as a generic trans girl, just existing there was call to action to yell at anything and everything I said or did or anything. I had boost when I was on Reddit and my filter of people and subreddits was extreme because of the hate they had.
I only had to block sp*ders because of a extreme fear. Feels nice here.
Reddit used to be like that too, but those people gravitate to the community eventually. I think best we can do is recognize the behaviour early and down vote it on sight.
Agreed. It’s peaceful for now at least, if the Fediverse becomes a huge mainstream thing; we’ll likely be right back at square one as far as community goes unfortunately. Right now, I guess people are nicer on the Fediverse because a lot of less-tech savy people believe there’s some sort of barrier to entry even when there really isn’t, essentially making the majority of people that join more deliberate in their intent to interact with a community as opposed to people on Reddit who might sign up just to insult everyone because in their mind, it’s just that simple.
The big advantage that the Fediverse has is that due to its decentralization, instances can govern their own communities in all sorts of unique ways.
So if the Fediverse ever becomes as big as
Reddit and we end up with a bunch of trolls and toxic people; there could be your general public instances, but I imagine there would be more exclusive servers where the only way you could get in is perhaps by some sort of vetting that ensures you’ll be a good internet citizen so to speak; that could be anything from proving you have a good track record on public instances to downright having instances that aren’t meant to be interacted with anonymously such as small town communities and professional networking where you just get vetted with your identity.
It opens up a whole new variety of possibilities that would’ve been so much more difficult with Reddit; especially with everything being at the discretion of a single entity; with the Fediverse. It’ll be ran by many different people hopefully and we won’t face those same problems :)
Just don't say anything bad about the Fediverse (or anything good about Meta/Threads). That's when the toxicity with appear. That's what I've noticed, at least.
So far. One the nob ends find a way in it'll not be as friendly, that's why blocking them and their instances promptly is important.
I saw something on blocklists the other day and will look into that. I may be totally wrong, but to me it sounds like the filters we'd use in uBlock Origin or similar. Sounds good to me.
I just hate how “toxic cesspool” is the default. I was just watching a short video on YouTube about the US city of Baltimore, a place I heard about from an old family friend who studied at Hopkins many years ago.
The video was about the city’s decline, with the primary cause (according to the video) being the hollowing out of the manufacturing and logistics industries. The channel, Forgotten Places, doesn’t strike me as one that toxic people would be flooding to (those channels exist).
Can you guess what every other comment is about? Hint: it’s not the abandonment of productive industry. A small number of comments name more historical industrial employers that have left the city, but by far the comments with the most upvotes are “we all know we can’t discuss what happened to Baltimore 😉😉😉😉😉”
Ive encountered a few, and i think had a post deleted. Sure it was kinda low effort but i learned that old plates had lead on them so i shared. And some jesse dude got offended by it being low quality fear mongering even though its a fact the plate have lead paint. Kinda puts me off the TiL here.
Exactly the same here! I lurked on Reddit for yeeears (like, the pre Pao days). I made one post in a very specialized sub, and three general comments elsewhere. The post went well, I got a quick answer but it really could have been an e-mail or forum post. The general comments were absolute DUMPSTER FIRES, and so I never did engage or contribute.
Lemmy has been so different, the community is smaller, but every post interaction I've had it feels like the folks I am engaging with read what I wrote and are making a good faith effort.
After the last ten years of social media, it's a little... weird. But good weird. "Oh, this is what it's supposed to be like."
I'm surprised of how many replies I have had to my own replies with people actually adding to the conversation and being polite. On reddit I barely got any response and most of it was tangential to the subject at best.
I think part of it is early adopters of any new, not-yet-mainstream technology are more open to differences, after all, we’re all doing something different.
Also, when you’re an early part of something, you want it to be the best that it can be, whereas when you are part of this massive corporate social network you don’t feel that same responsibility.
My early Reddit experience was scary that way. I'd quickly learn the hard way (e.g. with antics and misunderstanding) that the name of a subreddit was either an early intention or an inside joke (that I didn't fully get).
Far right subs banhammered me for failing to speak the newspeak and signaling appropriate allegiances. Far left subs banhammered me for... saying something tankie-adjacient, I guess? I'm still not sure what atlantism is.
I first joined reddit back around 2009 and this is pretty much how it was back then. Small discussions, generally pretty friendly. Discussion was ok, debate would usually have sources to back up claims. I wonder if anybody else here is from that time. It was about when Snoo became the official mascot, there was that narwhal bacon slogan, the scandal with the biologist that we all loved until it was discovered he was pumping up his own posts and comments with alts. Good times. I wonder if Lemmy will follow the same path
I've generally only had good interactions on reddit. The trolls aren't very hard at sussing out when you've seen enough of them. You can either interact with them knowing that you're not talking to them, but the people reading, or you simply block them if they start spamming your replies. A quick report and they get banned relatively quickly anyway lol.
Like others have said above, don't worry. That'll be coming here too. Once the tipping point is reached the comments will be just like reddit.
I stopped regularly using reddit years ago once i realized it was just a boring hivemind circlejerk. I'm pretty new to this lemmy and fediverse thing and I think it's really cool and refreshing how down to earth and not circle-jerky the communities are. The potential for something awesome is exciting.
I’d often type out a comment on the other site and the. I’d decide not to post it purely because I knew that I’d be flamed for daring to have an opinion of my own.
I disagreed with someone once (politely) over something extremely minor and got told to go die in a fire. So why would I post just to get shit like that?
Here though things do seem nicer and I really hope things stay that way. My fear is that with any large number of people you’re going to get those arse-hats who ruin it for others, but maybe they’ll stay on Reddit where they can act like wankers together.
Disagree. There was a thread the other day about how it's annoying seeing nothing but posts bitching about reddit, that it's like complaining about your ex on a date with someone new. I posted something like "yeah I noticed that too" and some lunatic started harassing me nonstop. They even admitted they confused me and my post for OP and the original post, and still doubled down on their own mistake. Truly unhinged behavior.
There was also another religious lunatic in a thread about keeping government secular who couldn't understand the concept of keeping their religion out of our government. I've never wanted to punch someone in the face through my monitor before that badly in my life.
What would happen if the downvote button was removed and only upvoting existed? I realize it doesn't cut out bot brigades, but maybe it could stop downvote brigades?
Agree, much more relaxed when people are nice about being in disagreement. Kind of the point of a forum is to have civil discussion. I think most people are civil, but it only takes a few hostiles to make the whole thing toxic.
Excellent, I am not the only person refraining from what I really want to say in comments and replies, haha.
Minor jest aside, it's because this is all "New*" And people aren't looking to take the mask off yet/are afraid of getting banned via some other persons sensitivity.
💯 agree. This has been my experience going from Twitter to Mastodon which I’ve used since late last year. There’s not as much drama, but *turns out that was the problem all along. *