I'm so sick of dinky shitty devices with garbage rechargeable batteries
you always have to manage a million different cables for each one, and they all suck. why can't we just use AAA batteries instead of these shitty lithium ones? it's so fucking frustrating. where can I find gadgets that work while plugged in, or at least don't need to be recharged every two fucking days?
Buying shit tier stuff is gonna give your a shit tier experience. Have more discretion in your shopping, which could mean holding out for quite awhile, and you'll eventually find a USB-C option.
It has been my experience that electronics are the only thing where "you get what you pay for" actually applies. If you're getting tired of your cheap shit falling apart, spend more money to get not cheap shit.
You can get by with a 10€ logic analyzer, 20€ soldering iron, and 80€ oscilloscope, but the experience of a 280€ Salae, a high end Weller, and a 3000€ Keysight scope is a whole other experience.