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that's it that's the whole show
  • Plank was the most insightful character on any show ever.

  • What's the easiest way to get an article about myself on Wikipedia?
  • There was a time when the page for list of serial killers had a banner on it asking users to expand it. That's one avenue.

  • Reddit blocking all major search engines, except Google
  • That just means the dumbasses will get even less traffic. Way to shoot yourself in the foot, Spazz.

  • Two different tankies giving some wild takes in the same thread
  • Man, I remember when I was in school the edgy tweens and teens who claimed to be communist didn't say stupid shit like denying actual history... They just wore red berets and Che Guevara t-shirts, completely oblivious to how that was supporting capitalism.

  • Lemmings of Lemmy who came over from Reddit what do you miss about Reddit and what do you not miss?
  • My immediate thought is that I miss the discussions for a specific game in that game's subreddit, but then I remember how many stupid takes and ass-backward ideas people had and think there is nothing about Reddit that I truly miss that I can't get here on Lemmy.

  • Deleted
    I think the math adds up
  • Me, drooling in a corner with $28,000

  • Anon has a question
  • If the only grease you need to get rid of is bacon grease, it'll smell like delicious bacon 🀀

  • Every company should be owned by its employees
  • I just had an interview there last week and they were only paying minimum wage with an opportunity to get a $0.50 raise after 6 months. And keep in mind, the minimum wage in California is $15/hour.

  • What's the latest stuff you've bought that you almost instantly regretted buying?
  • It sounds like OP might have ADHD. Which makes it even harder to both focus on something that isn't immediately gratifying as well as keep a schedule. It's still possible (I'm learning guitar slowly myself) but it definitely takes more effort than a NT person may have.

  • Why did no one tell me that blue jays are kind of big?
  • For most of my life, I thought blue scrubs were blue jays. πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

  • Kamala Harris links Trump to Project 2025 in debut rally: β€˜Can you believe they put that thing in writing?’
  • I mean they do seem like a Saturday morning cartoon villain just monologuing their evil plan because they think they have the hero down for the count.

  • rule
  • Not for Artie, the strongest man... In the world!

  • [SPOILERS] They missed a huge opportunity for a PvP boss fight.
    Spoilers ahead for real; if you haven't gotten to the end of the DLC be warned.

    The fight against Leda and her allies vs you and yours was the coolest fight IMO. However, I am disappointed in it just because they didn't make it like the Mirror Knight or Half-Light. Instead of just the NPCs, it would have been gnarly to get actual players in there.

    It really annoys me because, you can have a big PvP melee with the group fights in the arena... But even the day they added those arenas, the queue for those matches is always seemingly empty. I have never been able to actually get into anything but duels.

    The AI being AI, it's not a particularly challenging fight. But man if they were real players, instead, it would have been an adrenaline rush.

    Can't find the locked spiritspring cairnes? Use a shackle.

    Just like you can use them to reveal illusory walls and kill chariots, Margit and Mogh's shackles can be used to unlock the locked spiritsprings.

    If anyone else has been tearing their hair out looking for some of these things, this oughta help.

    [SPOILERS] The Shadow Realm is, in fact, still inside the Lands Between.

    So we all thought that this island of clouds was the possible location for the DLC up until it was shown to be in a "different" realm, however...


    The Shadow Realm appears to be at the exact center of TLB. Meaning that, even though the main map wasn't changed to reflect it, these lands are probably located under that shroud of clouds, obscured by magic.

    Is the world really empty or is it just that way because video game?

    I never really noticed or thought about this before but there's quite a bit of stuff in the DLC that has me questioning whether or not the game itself matches the lore in the sense that there are plenty of people who are alive and well (Melina's line when urging you not to seek the Flame of Frenzy also states that life still flourishes and that births still happen), they're just not shown in game because Fromsoft doesn't think they can do bustling, living cities well.

    What do you think? Are the few NPCs we meet all that's left in the world or are they just representative of a larger picture we don't see due to the fact it's a game?

    Game minimizes when being summoned?

    With the new update and DLC, I've noticed every time I get the being summoned message, the game will minimize. Like.... Every time. Anyone else getting this or am I uniquely being annoyed?

    Have you ever clicked on an ad *on purpose?*

    Just as the title says: Have you ever clicked on an ad, knowing it was an ad, on purpose? What ad was it? Why did you click it?

    Curious because I realized I have not once in my life clicked on an ad shown online on purpose. Accidentally, and being tricked into clicking the wrong thing sure; never with intent though.

    Is there a "canvas" of the universe? Do we even know? Would a canvas follow the same laws as the paint?

    Think of the universe as a painting. There's the image made in paint, and the surface it was painted on. The canvas.

    The stars, the planets, the gasses, the matter and energy and even the space between are the paint. What's the canvas? Is there a canvas? Would the canvas follow the same rules as the paint?

    What foods from the shows would you like to try if you could?

    There's a few for me. Yamok sauce. Various synthohols. The desserts Troi's always eating (or being). But most especially gagh. I wouldn't let the fact it's some kind of living worm distract me from the way all the cool people describe it. If Riker likes it, I think I would too and I certainly wouldn't want to look like a p'taQ in front of Riker.

    What happened to "stoner" comedies?

    Half-Baked. Happy Gilmore. Billy Madison. Grandma's Boy. Dude, Where's My Car? Where have the movies like this gone? Clerks 3 was, I think, the last good one I've ever seen (and even they got too real and too sad so I don't even know if I ever want to see it again as a comedy). There's gotta be some good, funny shit that's even funnier when stoned out of your mind that's more recent than that, right?

    Why is only the ? and ! put at the front and upside down of a sentence in Spanish?

    Why not periods? Why doesn't every sentence in Spanish that isn't a question or exclamation start with a period floating in the sky?

    What would be the best way to fix the little stopper switch for one of the motors on my Aquilla?

    One of the stepper motors' switch things (the metal part that hits the bar to tell the motor it's at one end of the track) came out and it's either bent too much or snapped off (it's so small I can't really tell) and it doesn't go back in place, which means I can't use the printer because the motor with the head on it doesn't know when it has reached the end of the track and just tries to keep going if I don't stop it.

    My first thought was to print a new piece but... That won't work when I have to use the printer to do that. The motor itself is great. It's just that stupid little metal triangle thing used to give the teeny tiny switch some more surface area to be pressed.

    I want a Mixed Reality thing that works the opposite of how I am seeing it done right now...

    Right now it's augmenting reality with fake shit. Like you see the real world and can put non-real things in it. What I'd like to be able to do is be in a fake world and bring real world objects into that.

    Like, say I'm in VRchat just sitting somewhere hanging out it would be cool if I could bring my drink, my food, my vape, etc into the game so I don't have to fumble around looking for them with my hands. I haven't found anything that does this though... :/

    Kolanaki πŸ‡° πŸ”΅ πŸ‡± πŸ‡¦ πŸ‡³ πŸ‡¦ πŸ‡° ℹ️

    I'm just a weird, furry, pan guy (cis he/him). I also have a big, blue username.

    I'm learning Japanese so sometimes I might write something out in romaji just to practice. Please correct it if it's wrong!

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