The irony is that these puzzles, while designed to stop bot spam/fake registrations, are actually used to train AI/computer vision to be better... thus, creating the need for even more infuriating puzzles to be "solved" by humans.
Write a dissertation using exactly 53,285 words on the topic of sprinkler head water use efficiency patterns, discussing at length the difference between residential, commercial, and agricultural use cases. Cite at least 25 sources ordered numerically in APA.
'OK, I guess I don't need to comment on this article anyway.'
Or just don’t do it? I have really high security setting on my web browser that breaks most sites. If I’m being asked to do something like this I either move to the next site or just pick up the phone and call the company. There really is no reason to feed into this behavior.
If you put the right terms in a search bar chances are you'll find the right one eventually. I doubt the sony support number is a very well kept secret.