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Protect yourself from our shitty infrastructure for just $22.99 per month! One-time installation fees as low as $49.99 for a limited time only!
  • Idk maybe I was never informed on how the fundamentals I learned in college applied to an entire electrical grid and the implications I would need to understand if I were to hypothetically own a home some day. Would have been nice if you started out by explaining this instead of insulting my intelligence but maybe that's just not how we operate here. Edit: The only surges I had heard of happening thus far were from power returning after an outage, and I've never experienced one afaik.

  • Protect yourself from our shitty infrastructure for just $22.99 per month! One-time installation fees as low as $49.99 for a limited time only!
  • Yep. Happens a few times yearly for me here in the midwest, in every place I've ever lived, usually after a storm knocks out a power line or a transformer blows. It's generally not for longer than a day or two but a direct lightning strike did knock it out once for like a week. Given, my state ranks pretty low for electrical grid reliability.

    Our power companies, being privatized, have very little incentive to invest in their infrastructure until it's already on its last legs and they can't avoid it anymore. So they invest in politicians that let them put it off for as long as possible instead :)

    What was it they said about capitalism breeding innovation?

  • Protect yourself from our shitty infrastructure for just $22.99 per month! One-time installation fees as low as $49.99 for a limited time only!

    An email I received from the Detroit Edison (DTE) Energy Company today. The text reads:

    >How it works: > >Installation*: DTE will install the device on your electric meter in less than 30 minutes. No need to schedule an appointment or be at home. Your home is protected as soon as the device is installed by our technicians. > >Protection and Warranties: The warranty coverage provides $5,000 per event for appliances and $1,000 per event for electronics to repair or replace your household items in the event the device fails to protect against damaging surges. > >Stay Connected: Your surge device comes with a FREE 20-foot power cable. In the event of a power outage, you can connect your generator to the surge device with the power cable to power your home up to the generator’s capacity. Easy access for your generator – you won’t have to run extension cords from your generator into your home. > >Learn more | Enroll now > > > >*There’s a one-time installation fee for a surge protection plus device of $49.99, which is a limited time offer and will expire on December 31, 2024. After the expiration date, the installation fee will return to its normal price of $99.99. To access the Surge Protection Plus program’s Terms and Conditions, visit

    and of course that URL is hyperlinked with a big long tracking string on the end of it so I won't be sharing it

    This is my reason for joining "Fuck Cars"
  • Not to mention the massive loads they can haul which basically turn them into semi trucks, vehicles which you would in fact need a special license to operate, with worse visibility to boot. Way too many people out there hauling ridiculously large campers and sometimes even towing an extra vehicle at the end of their train with zero special training to do so.

  • This is my reason for joining "Fuck Cars"
  • At the very least you should need a special license to operate them. They're classed differently to avoid safety and emissions regulations imposed on regular cars, so its perfectly reasonable that there should be different requirements to purchase them and get behind the wheel.

  • The US healthcare system is broken...
  • I once heard a european say we eat like we have free healthcare. No we don't. We eat like we have a government with more accountability to monied interests than to our health, a food industry that profits from us being compelled to overeat cheaply produced foods, and a healthcare system that profits from chronic illness and sudden misfortune. Oh yeah, this onion's got layers, and it's rotting from the inside-out.

    In fact, I think a genuine effort behind universal healthcare would involve the government suddenly caring a lot more about industry in general growing profits by running things as cheap and dirty as they have been and, in a way, passing their costs onto the general population.

  • What America really needs
  • Jesus Christ dude.

    First of all, I'm american, I'm a woman, and just look at our highway system. Black neighborhoods were bulldozed and paved over with highway interchanges. Cities were destroyed and continue to suffer from their existence. St. Louis, Detroit, Memphis, Cleveland, Chicago, etc., etc., didn't happen because suburbs 'won' in the free market of infrastructure or something.

    Remember 8 mile, that road you don't go past in Detroit? Hmm yeah I wonder how that happened if bridges/crosswalks are such a good replacement for infrastructure that doesn't require those things in the first place. Infrastructure can facilitate national movement but it can also stand locally as an impenetrable wall. Put as many expensive "gateways" up as you want, it's still a fucking wall. There's a reason rivers are used as division lines between cities, states, and countries.

    Do you really think there's going to be a perfect route through ALL of that land and that avoiding population centers wouldn't negate its usefulness?

    Edit: also "underutilized" is an insane term to use for land. Just because humans aren't utilizing it, doesn't mean that land is devoid of use by other life. There is an entire ecosystem across this country that shouldn't be disturbed if we can help it, much less a river be built through it. I mean come on, we have a mass extinction event going on right now, all the way down to the fucking insects that splatter on our windshields.

  • What America really needs
  • Luckily this entire swath of land is completely void of human and animal life and nobody will be emminent-domained out of their homes and livelihoods with little to no reward for doing so, and bridges are notoriously so much more permeable than plain flat land. I'm such a silly goose to not have thought of those things when I wrote that very serious comment about this very serious hypothetical 🥸

  • What America really needs
  • I mean this is a pretty good visual representation of what they did when they built all the highways, just more spread out and the negative implications being mostly pushed off onto whoever didn't have enough political capital to resist them, i.e. minorities.

  • Elections
  • That's definitely what I've observed. The constant whining gets pretty grating, wish they would finally just form their own instances and defederate from whoever the hell they want. Instead they sit around in the largest most entry-level instance and badmouth and whine at the mods to cut off any instance where the majority view is to the left of and critical of the status quo.

  • Elections
  • That's not how I read it... it's not really democracy if the guy being voted for is lying to the voters without repercussion (thus obstructing the voters' right to make an informed decision) so they can get into office and do things they know the voters wouldn't have voted for. That's anti-democratic in itself. This meme isn't saying democracy bad, it's saying that what we have now isn't a democracy.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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