T-Rex problems
T-Rex problems
T-Rex problems
So you're telling me I get free accommodation, free food, and it's protected by a T-rex?
I just sit in the hut and enjoy my food while the dinosaur is starving outside.
Sounds okay to me.
Humana last weeks without food, you think you're going to starvea 7 ton, cold blooded carrion eater to death in a mere month?
7 ton seems pretty big and I think they were warm-blooded, I recon they'll start starving before I run out of food. They may not be dead by day 30 but on those final nights of starving unconciousness you could probably stick it with the knife. Large birds of prey may only eat once per day but they still starve within a couple of days, and the bigger they are, the hungrier they get.
I mean the brief is of you kill it you get a big payout but you otherwise get to live rent free in a hut for month fully catered. As consolation prizes go there are worse gambles and this one at least means you do not die.
Will the T-Rex be provided food? Because I could just wait it out. But if it's provided food I'd just make sure it swallows the hunting knife with its meal and in theory it should cause some gastrointestinal leakage...
Use the knife to threaten the guy who's job it is to feed it.
I get a roof over my head and food... For free!?
The T-rex will probably die eventually from starvation... Which means I could lose my roof and free food. Biggest challenge will be trying to keep the T-rex alive...
It's very telling that some people have had worse roommates than a T. Rex lol
T-Rex ain't gonna blast my wall with the light of a thousand suns playing video games on a 50 inch screen at 4 am when I gotta wake up in four hours
Rub the blade into fecal matter, wait till she nods off and then stab deeply before quickly returning to the hut. Repeat a few times.
Now just wait for the sepsis to kick in and collect the prize.
Additionally, poop in it's food (if it has any). E. Coli poisoning may help.
That's a human weakness, most animals eat poop for breakfast
I love the thought that instead of pooping in the indestructible hut, then going out in sorties, throwing poop on its food, you decide to straight up pop a squat over the only food source while locked in an area with a t rex. You are a very bold person, your bravery has my respect, if not your intelligence
Do you think you are going to have a very pleasant shit with a goddamn Trex running at you? Actually now that I think about it you would probably shit your pants in that situation.
Whose fecal matter? I need your response ASAP
If the hut is indestructible I'll just wait for it to starve lol
Won't it starve in a month?
Good question. Many modern day reptiles can go a long time without food. But a t rex is many orders of magnitude bigger than anything we have now. I did do a zoology major at uni, but my physiology knowledge sucks (unsurprising given I barely passed it).
I'm not sure it could survive in today's atmosphere, there was a lot more oxygen when megafauna like the T rex wer about.
No they will provide you with food
This is easy.
As long as I'm getting food and the T-Rex isn't, just sit in the hut and wait.
T-Rex will pass out of hunger and thirst. Once it stops moving I wait a day or two then finish the job with the knife.
I'll defer to actual paleontologists (or anyone who drops links), but my guess is T-Rex could go a month without food easy. Most modern large reptiles typically go a long time between meals.
Edit: following the intense scholarship in this thread, I have changed my stance. T-Rex probably would not survive a month without food (or water). BUT ALSO, the entity setting the rules and betting 500 mil on it surviving is going to know that. So the Dino's getting fed either way.
I'm also no dinologist, but wouldn't the T-Rex be used to higher mix of oxygen in the atmosphere? I wonder if it would just pass out from hypoxia
Unlike modern reptiles, the T-rex was warm blooded, much like their close relatives birds, so their metabolic rate would be higher than, say, crocodiles, lizards, turtles, etc. Their food needs would be way higher than cold blooded reptiles, so a month without food would be more challenging. Might survive a month if it gorged itself beforehand, but quite likely not.
There are some scaling issues I think.
Dinosaurs were not reptiles. Reptiles already existed when dinosaurs evolved and there are completely different evolutionary lineage.
I'm not sure it would be possible for such large animals, they require a lot more energy to keep the heat up due* to larger skin surface.
I could be wrong though, happy to be corrected.
What about water
What about water?
Finally a way to get an affordable place to live in!
With a dinosaur as a pet, no less!
Grab its dick and twist it!!
Dicks are atwist
I know it's green text but come on. Even T-Rex sleep. Wait for that, poke its eyes out, cut its tendons and then just go death by a thousand cuts on that big lizard.
Also, most apex predators are heavy sleepers because they have absolutely nothing to be scared of when they're asleep. As an example, male lions sleep for 18-20 hours a day.
I imagine you’d walk up to an eyelid that’s thicker than your arm, luckily still wedge the knife between the eye, get absolutely deafened as it screams out in pain, and either trampled or catapulted as it flails about, or just plain nommed on as it sees you with the remaining good eye.
How exactly did you plan on getting over to the other eye before getting crunched, anyways? They’re not exactly tiny heads.
Tie the knife to a long stick then wait for sleepy time.. still idk how you'd go about getting away
If you could craft a shovel you could dig a deep hole and trap it maybe, then stick-knife it's eyes out. Or a bunch of relatively small holes so it breaks a leg, maybe sprains an ankle and is weakened..
One eye at a time. The next night it'll lay on the other side to guard it's wound
We don't know if they ever slept. We don't even know if they had fur or not.
I just had to stop me from going down a whole rabbit hole about sleeping sharks. So I'm just going to make this point:
Chickens and crocodiles sleep, and they are basically dinosaurs so: Checkmate.
Seriously though, sharks are pretty interesting creatures! https://animalhype.com/fish/do-sharks-sleep/
I would take 1 week and observe the T-Rex from inside the hut. Make small, but safe, movements.
After determining that I will be unable to kill the T-Rex I will inform the person running the game that I can not kill the T-Rex and would like to forfeit.
The person running the game would protest, but eventually realize I am not going on provide any further entertainment.
They'd bring in the professionals to corral the T-Rex and contain him.
Those professionals? A secret team I've hired. My forfeit? I had my fingers crossed.
With the T-Rex contained and drugged, I stab the T-Rex.
The team and I split the winnings. Credits roll.
The deception! The cunning! It's an outrage! Put this man on the air at once!
This is pure gold
People keep answering this in the most boring way. Here's a slightly less boring answer:
Wait for nightfall
Sneak up to the dino
Stab it in the eye
Run into hut
The T-Rex won't be able to remove the knife, so it will become infected and eventually kill it.
for quicker results: take a shit first and cover the knife with your feces
Lol exactly what I thought, except keeping the knife and going back for the other eye.
I'd start with feet. Slow it down.
Run around the paddock whilst it chases you and wait for it to keel over.
Ah, ye old homo sapien hunter trick
According to the documentary Jurassic Park, a T-Rex can clock in at 35 mph. Plus, in the area of a football field, if you do get any kind of a lead, it can just cut you off when you need to turn.
I was doing some research to see if this is feasible, and found this page with this passage:
(Though 12 miles per hour approaches the top speed of a typical human, depending on conditioning—it equates to a 20-second 100 meter dash or a 5-minute mile—the T. rex’s slow acceleration and inspiring teeth would give the average runner a reasonable chance of outsprinting or outmaneuvering the lumbering predator.)
So yeah I'm gonna spend 3 weeks training to run in the indestructible bunker, then I'm gonna spend every day for a week sprinting around the T-Rex until it can't follow me anymore. It will still be able to lash out after it collapses, so you can't just walk up and kill it, but you can harass it any time it tries to take a break to eat or drink for a few days. Eventually it'll be too weak to lash out, and you can safely walk up and cut a major artery or something.
Or you can stab it with a poop knife while it's asleep in the first few days, and have it die from an infection over the course of a few weeks
I don't think he would last long with our current oxygen levels, there is a reason why such giant creatures don't exist anymore.
On top of that like comments said if we just waited out he would starve to dead, even if we were not provided food.
Well looks like I was wrong, thx for clarifying that out.
Really though the reason for big animals not being as prevelant anymore was really the oxygen levels Idk where I got that from.
But then it is really weird how the evolution meta didn't evolve back to the huge beasts we see on books, someone said in the comments that it was due to the mammals success, if so it puts things really into perspective.
there is a reason why such giant creatures don't exist anymore.
Such giant creatures do exist. Larger ones even.
By far the most robust theory for the mass extinction event that wiped dinosaurs out is the asteroid theory. Not there being a sudden extreme change in oxygen levels lol.
I think it's where the "enclosed" part of the challenge would come into play. I'd demand that it be air tight for the duration of the challenge.
Although a TRex wouldn't be feeling great at our oxygen levels, I'd be surprised if it would be enough to have it drop dead on it's own. I think you'd still need to fatigue the TRex, and doing anything to further deplete the oxygen in the environment would hurt you both... But the TRex proportionality moreso
there is a reason why such giant creatures don't exist anymore.
Yes, it's because of an asteroid.
Large dinosaurs were significantly larger than large mammals for basically the same reasons that birds can fly much longer and higher than bats: hollow bones and significantly more efficient lungs. Flying birds can also get much larger than bats, despite both breathing the same atmosphere.
Dinosaur lungs worked the same way bird lungs do. Their lungs are rigid, and there's separate sets of air sacs that work like bellows to pump the air through the lungs in a single direction. Much like fish gills, there's cross-current gas exchange so they cab extract most of the oxygen from the air.
Oxygen levels weren't really any higher. Dinosaurs just had some adaptations that let them both get bigger than other groups of animals and be better at flying.
The better question is why large birds haven't re-evolved. That's probably just due to the success of mammals. 10 ft tall "terror birds" evolved in the Americas, but went extinct within the last two million years due to competition from mammals. Birds could get larger than elephants, but first an elephant-sized bird needs to outcompete elephants.
Damn, just got my feet wet into the so called "Terror birds" and they are really cool, to think us mammals ruined the chance of such glorious creatures rule the world feels odd.
If I remember correctly higher oxigen levels influenced insects' size, not vertebrates!
Iirc oxygen levels were lower in the Late Cretaceous than they are today. Also, it is likely saurischian non-avian dinosaurs breathed more like their living bird relatives, which is a lot more efficient, thus allowing for a larger size.
I would wait for it to fall asleep and then make a big anti T-rex circle around it so it cant escape.
That's smart
Oh this is actually a pretty decent idea!
Just dig deep a deep enough hole that it won't be able to escape then lure it in.
Bonus points if you dig the hole down path from a creek then drown it, it'd have to be a pretty big hole though.
Once it's stuck in the hole just tie the knife to a long stick and poke away.
Maybe sharpen a bunch of sticks and have them at the bottom of the hole so when it falls in it at least fucks it's feet up or possibly is impaled depending on the size of stick.
Idk I'm starting to think fuck the knife, just give me a shovel, a month may be steep for such a big hole but I've done enough digging for a living to know it's possible, if you're motivated enough.
bonus: alternatively, dig relatively small holes everywhere so it breaks it's legs
Well there you go, the food is the answer. Lots of things humans eat are toxic to animals so all you got to do is order like a bunch of coffee, chocolate, avacados, onions, garlic, maybe some potatoes you leave in the sun awhile... Get some turkey or other meat and stuff it with all the potentially toxic treats and hope something sticks.
You probably want a very large quantities of those things. Even if chocolate somehow is poisonous to them, a Hershey bar ain't going to do it for something that big.
I had a German Shepard that ate a whole pan of brownies with chocolate chips and broken glass in it, once, and it didn't even affect him. I was afraid he was going to die, but he ended up being perfectly fine.
No way I can afford to pay 500 million to hunt a t rex. That seems like a fair price though given the trouble of bringing back an extinct animal, some billionaire would probably do it.
A month off work where my food and housing is paid for and I get to see a T-Rex? Hell yeah, I probably won't kill it but I'm in
I think they overlooked the dinosaurs food. If you have food and an indestructible hut, couldn't you just wait until the T-rex was passing out from hunger and slice its throat?
Done to death in this thread, and I'm assuming the organizers will drop food for the T-Rex too. I mean, it didn't specify that you would be provided water either, but I feel like we ought to engage with the idea being conveyed rather than pick apart the fine print like contract lawyers
I wouldn't bet on that. Arctic balls can go 4 to 5 months without eating, I would imagine a giant T-Rex that is more cold-blooded could probably go as long.
I would memorize its attack patterns and stab its legs between attacks, dodging every time it rears back for another stomp. Eventually, with enough stabs, I'd kill it.
Usually you can target a glowing area that only becomes visible when it roars
Real warriors parry
Riposte that lizzard brain.
I'd go for the arms, since I feel like I'd have better chances against them.
Depends. How long can a T-rex survive without food? If the answer is less than a month, I will absolutely do this.
Of course I wouldn't do it. Why should I kill such a magnificent animal? I'd tame it and ride it.
But 500 million dollars could buy like, one T-Rex.
That's a LOT of money. Can I use a stick to tie the 10-inch knife to? Then encourage him to hang around the INDESTRUCTIBLE hut while he dies of a thousand wounds?
This was kind of my thought too, maybe attach the knife to the hut, pop your head out and piss the T-rex off, it comes over to try kill you and cuts itself.. I just doubt it would do it enough to kill itself before it leart not to attack the hut.
What if he breaks the stick and now he has the knife?
you are prolly fuxored
Poop on the knife, stand right outside the hut and wait for him to get close, throw the knife at him and grt inside, if it doesn't land just start over once he walks away.
All I need is one poopy stab and the infection would kill him.
Jokes on you. T-Rexes love poop.
Douse yerself in barrel of lube, dive through T-Rex's asshole when the Dino is asleep. Cut your way around there, win.
This is plausible because you can survive entirely on dinosaur farts until you cut yourself out of their intestines.
Easy, kill it with the indestructible shack. I'll just make it real mad and let everything else work itself out.
Rot the food, poison the T-Rex. Order whole cooked animals, cooked bones are horrible for animals because they don't bend like uncooked but rather...shatter. Creating lots of little potential daggers & knives to perforate the T-Rex's digestive tract. Also might be tougher to poop out. Poison, and internally wreck, the T-Rex.
Agitate the animal as much as possible & keep it alert. If able to time it right & the T-Rex never gets rest, it will eventually have to fall sometime out of sheer brain-dead exhaustion. As others have said, stab it in its guts with a poopy, poisoned knife.
Idk it would be difficult & arduous but I don't think it's impossible.
I'm no animologist, but dinosaurs are birds, and don't birds eat rocks and shit to aid in digestion? I just wonder how their digestive tract stands up to bones. Not shitting on anything here just want to make sure we all know how to kill this dinosaur right.
And obviously the distinction you made about cooking bones is interesting, I've boiled stock/broth of my own and snapped a wishbone or two, but never put that together so that's interesting.
Who are you, sir, so wise in the way of dinosaurs?
I want you on my team in the inevitable final showdown between us and the T-Rex
Oh no, we can keep exploring this purely lighthearted, good spirited, but also weirdly educational dialogue.
Some birds do eat rocks to help pulverize food, I think. Now modern birds don't have teeth, their stomachs are highly acidic to help them process their food (that's why their poop hurts car paint & you should wash it off ASAP). So...that makes me wonder how powerful dinosaur stomach acid would be, if it would have the strength to just dissolve the cooked bones before they could inflict damage. ¯(ツ)_/¯
Birds are dinosaurs, but dinosaurs aren't necessarily birds
T-rex was also a scavenger, rotten food would do nothing to that thing, but yeah poopy knife would do just fine lol
I'd wait for it to finally sleep and figure out a way to break it loose from the arena just for the lulz
How confident are you that it's really asleep? How sure are you that you can move without waking it up?
Death by a thousand 30-60 cuts.
Wait till trex is asleep. Quick 1-2 stab, then run abck to your hut.
Repeat as necessary.
If you can go for the eyes, it can be alot easier later on
As a T-Rex, I'd just pile up my shit on the human's hut until it is forced to leave.
There is a very good possibility that T-Rex is not going to starve after only a single month.
Are you sure? A big animal requires a huge amount of calories to keep going
Yeah but not as much as you'd think. You'd only outlast him if he was already hungry to begin with.
Yes, but less per unit of body mass.
The bigger the animal, the slower the metabolism of individual cells typically is. Vice versa as well.
Meaning they actually don't need as many calories as you might think, and can sustain without food like most scavengers would.
Leave it alone and stay in the hut. It will die of hunger within a week.
... No it wouldn't.
Larger animals typically can go longer without food than smaller animals. You'll starve to death before it does.
The speed of metabolism is vastly different
Netflix enters the chat
Is the food good?
Is it really worth killing a unique creatures for money? Is this what capitalism has thought us?
You're right, I could make more money by displaying it in a special park
How has nobody thought of this? Maybe if someone finds some amber with dino DNA inside. Then uses frogs to clone them. What could go wrong?
Think of all the unique creatures you can save with 500M. The only thing you can do living in a capitalistic society and don't like it is to improvise. Adapt. Overcome.
It's not like you get to keep the rex after the month is up, the psycho multibillionaire just sends you back home emptyhanded
This is a fun idea
1: Keister some fentanyl in, poison the food with fentanyl, set food outside hut.
Depending on the dosage it will either die or be very weak for a while.
2: refuse knife, demand shovel. Dig giant holes to trap it. Possibly fill holes with sharp sticks so it's impaled or at least fucks up a foot or two. Bonus points for digging smaller holes all around the Hut then piss it off and watch it break it's legs.
3: depending on how intelligent it really is, you could possibly get it to do it's self great bodily harm. I caught an angry squirrel in a cage once. The squirrel just headbutted the cage over, and over and over. By the time I'd gotten to it it'd already busted it's head open pretty horribly, like it hurt to watch. Didn't stop it though, just kept headbutting that cage in a.. rage? Not even "normal" headbutts, these were full body jumps from one side of the cage to the other. It was trying to use it's head as a battering ram I guess. So maybe provoke the rex and run to your indestructible hut. Maybe it knocks itself senseless trying to get to you. Personally I wouldn't bet my life on that but eh, you do you.
4: just.. traps. Summon your inner Hunter. "What would kill this thing and how to I make that happen? Deep hole strategy again, collect some vines, scale a tree, hoist down with the vines above the hole and now you're bait.
As was pointed out I guess I'd have to dig the holes close(r) to the indestructible hut.
Your area is the size of a football field. You won't have time to dig massive holes.
Toss the food. Dinosaur becomes friend or dies from congestion.
Assume the t-rex is immortal
So we're swapping the snail out for a T-Rex?
Yes the T-Rex is as tough asnails
Life, uh, finds a way
Wait for it to sleep climb on top its head. Whats it gonna do, flail at me with its puny arms? Stretch its leg up to swat at me standing on one foot? Drop and roll over crushing me om its ba- oooooh wait a min.
Hmm. Maybe I find a way to tie its feet first and stab it and run immediatly before it crushes me.
can the rex get into or manipulate the hut in any way?
It picks it up and wears it like a hat when it becomes enraged after a recent attempt on it's life.
Fuck I sorted by top 6 hour every time I run the app for the last week and have seen this piece of shit for days
Yeah, it's getting annoying :/
I used to play a game called Tokyo Jungle, in it you can play various animals in a humanless version of Tokyo. The main goal of the game is to explore the city and survive as long as you can while eating plants or animals your animal likes. This game taught me that larger animals need more calories to survive, as my runs with the alligator would end the quickest, where with the smaller animals I could play for longer. I just fact checked myself and elephants eat about 330-375 pounds of food per day, and this makes sense, the larger the biology, the more cells they have, the more cells they have, the more energy they need to keep those cells alive.
Since a t-rex is much bigger than an elephant, I'd imagine they would need an insane amount of calories per day to survive. In a starvation contest, a human would win. All you would have to do is wait for the lethargy of starvation to set in, and then when it falls asleep try to puncture an artery or slice tendons to immobilize the dino. The idea is that it would be so starved that even if it woke up, it wouldn't have the coordination to immediately eat you, you may even have a comfortable window of time to seek shelter in the case that things go sideways. Or if you wanted to play it safe you could just wait for the t-rex to expire from starvation, but you'd most likely be feeling like shit by the end of that.