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Suicide rates in the US are highest among elderly men, and most involve guns, CDC report says

Senior men have higher rates of suicide than average, and firearms were involved in more than three-quarters of those deaths in 2021, according to a CDC report

  • This is a really sad state of affairs for older guys.

    Imagine a guy who gets to 55+ and takes a look at his life and realize he's not where he wants to be and it feels like there's no chance to restart. Maybe he just didn't get into the housing market in time or start his 401k. Maybe some health issues or divorces blew out his savings.

    These are the guys who were out of college right before the world was flipped upside down by technology, so I'm sure a lot of them never thought they had to catch up to keep their career running.

    It would be really hard to not see it as a personal total failure, and to be frank their family and peers might see it that way too if they know. It probably feels like standing at the base of Everest when he should have the summit in sight.

    His peers are either feeling depressed like him or they are jetting around on holidays most of the time.

    Guys are taught most of their life to stuff the emotional things, so the future feels hopeless because he's in a bubble and doesn't understand how common this feeling is.

    I hope we can find more ways to let guys like this, and all people, know that this feeling is temporary and there is a lot of hope waiting at the next turn.

    Maybe he needs a bit of a boost from some antidepressants and someone to talk with who can help him let it all out. Or maybe he just needs a society that sees him as someone with something left to give, who still has jobs to be done, and that's enough.

  • Guns just add dangerous violence to everything.

    In a shooting event, the "good guy" trying to stop a bad guy with a gun can still accidentally hit innocent bystanders with bullets. By adding more bullets flying, they've effectively made the situation more dangerous, and now when incompetent cops show up, they'll think anyone with a gun is the shooter.

    In a suicide, you're not only risking it not working because you didn't explode enough of your own head, you're also putting other people in danger, depending on the caliber of bullet and gun used. You could easily have the bullet exit the back of your head and enter your neighbors apartment and harm someone on the other side. You could also live through your attempted suicide and have an even worse life with a totally disfigured face.

    Guns make everything worse.

    If you need defense in a shooting/violent attack, carry a high-powered flashlight that you can temporarily blind an attacker with, allowing you and others to escape in their confusion and/or get close enough to disarm the assailant.

    If you want to off yourself, buy a fucking Exit Bag and get some god damned helium.