The Queen City has been crowned number one when it comes to the best places to live in Ohio, that's according to a new report from the U.S. News and World Report.
The city ranked 50th in overall best places to live in the country. The report noted its schooling systems, rich heritage and popular events. The city ranked 6.7 out of 10 in quality of life, 7.4 out of 10 in value.
Youngstown ranked second with an overall score of 6.3, followed by Columbus at 6.3, then Toledo at 6.2 and Cleveland at 6.1, then Dayton at 5.5.
The report noted Cincinnati's expansive brewery list as well as vast arts and entertainment venues, parks, and history. The report stated that compared to other growing cities, Cincinnati is relatively affordable.
Same. But I've been to Youngstown a few times- it's not bad. Definitely past its heyday though.
But then, I see Columbus behind and am reminded of someone saying "it's like a Starbucks inside a Target" and so I think, you know, maybe the list is right.