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Difficult UX in parking apps hahaha we live in hell

sitting in my car in a Seattle parking lot. there's a knock on my window. it's an old lady, who asks me "how do we pay for parking?" ---------------------------------------- she's taking her husband to the hospital to see his doctor, but there's a massive road project that has cut off access for m...

hahaha we live in hell
TechNews irradiated
[HN] Hahaha We Live in Hell
  • Not sure this publication is relevant for this space. Is it?

    • I feel like it is; it's a story of a dreadful (woeful even) UX story highlighting a plethora of accessibility crimes. Of course, the subject of the story is not directly stated to have any kind of accessibility issues, but I think it highlights something many of us face regularly. There is a car park in my town that nearly always has its only two pay points out of order, leaving a similarly awful app as the only option, and I certainly felt this blog post resonate.