So, I recently moved about 6 months ago. Have only given my real address and name to the DMV, Phone Company, Internet, and rental property(obviously knows my real address)
Ran Optery and found out that over 80 data brokers have my legit new address already.
Feeling like privacy is just some kind of wet dream at the moment. I do everything right, I think but no matter what the 4 companies I have given my information too will constantly sell my personal data no matter what.
It’s truly sad the direction America is going towards, all for some more money.
Privacy is not just an illusion; it’s a delusion. Things like privacy statements and permission to use cookies are little more than sophisticated propaganda. If you think for a moment the Overlords cannot prepare a dossier on you within minutes that would make your mother faint and your father die of shame, you’re living in fantasy land. You have no idea how much data they store on individuals, and not just credit card purchases: tracking data, telephone conversations, text messages, anything you ever posted on the Internet. It’s a devouring machine. Get in their way, and you will find out how much they know about you. It has been this way for a very long time. This is nothing new. And yes, they really can turn on your cell phone camera and microphone at will without lights, so long as the battery is attached. And VPN? I laugh when I think about VPN. There is no cryptographic protocol used on the Internet, that the Overlords who brought all these technologies out in the first place, cannot decipher. None. The only way to live with this level of privacy evasion is to accept the reality of it. Stop thinking you are ever alone. Out in the middle of nowhere with no electronics on you? Maybe
Lmao this "Overlords" guy again. How many fucking alts are you going to spin up to keep shitting out this over-simplistic drivel. This one is just 24 minutes old.
Like, do you really have nothing the fuck better to do with your life other than shit out some fearmongering about "Overlords?" The fact that you can't name them by name but are using a dumbfuck "overlords/illuminati/what-the-fuck-ever" shows how simplistic this thought process you're going through is.
His comments were deleted (as I'm guessing his whole account), but I'm almost morbidly curious about whatever he was claiming to be the cause (I'm gonna wager it was "ThE ELiTe trying to subjegate the masses, man!" for $200?)
Oh, he's one of those "muh freedoms to be a racist jackass are being censored!" types? I mean, from how you called him out in your comment, you seem to have had dealings with this guy (or his alts that I'm guessing were very short lived) in other threads, so I'll take your word for it if that's the case. Regardless, it wouldn't surprise me either way if he was since again, to have to keep making alts to say his piece...