Russia moves to totally ban LGBTQ+ movement
Russia moves to totally ban LGBTQ+ movement

Vladimir Putin’s government steps up crackdown.

Russia moves to totally ban LGBTQ+ movement
Vladimir Putin’s government steps up crackdown.
"Lgbtq+ organization" is as stupid as antifa leadership.
It's not stupid, it is designed to criminalize political participation by anyone who isn't pro-putin.
The motivations are insidious, the justification is stupid
Fascists can’t conceive of something without a strict hierarchical power structure.
"I don't get same sex relationships. Who is the boot haver and who is the boot licker?" /s
Underrated comment.
Unfortunately, I think some are more equal. Those laws are not to be applied to an acting member of elites. When they do something to fall out of favor or just seen as not important anymore, that's when they will get accused of anything.
There were gossips about some top branches' kids living in EU being not exactly straight. I don't think direct attacks would ensue, but charging each others' children as a form of a racket? I can see it happening.
Not really, but kinda. Antifa is an ideology that explicitly rejects leadership, but lgbt is just a thing some people are. Some people are black, and when society treats them like shit over it sometimes they organize. Same goes for lgbt. We organize but we exist when disorganized. The mattachine society and daughters of bilitus were examples of early LGBT organization in my country.
Banning us from organizing is a way to say that if we acknowledge our existence or if anyone acknowledges that our oppression is oppression it will be punished and treated as extremist opposition to the regime.
Well, when defined as a collective noun it does make sense, it's largely just "a group of people that support the same thing"
an organized body of people with a particular purpose, especially a business, society, association, etc.
But I see what you're getting at: there isn't a head honcho for that organization (AFAIK). It's like trying to charge the head of the hacking collective Anonymous.
I'm all for people having rights and support and stuff, but some of them love to shove it in your face and put it everywhere (like Pink during Breast Cancer Awareness Month,"slap that shit on everything!) and it gets annoying after a while, like Pride flags in video games (Skyrim, Fallout and Starfield to name a few) or having the weapons be the colors of their flag (just saw these mods for Skyrim). Yes, I don't have to download them, but NexusMods is already a cesspool of shit quality mods that like 5 people out of the million or so that just the site will actually download.
Maybe I just get triggered when I see this stuff because I grew up in Southern New Jersey (a largely white farming town for the most part, Blacks make up a good portion as well) and my high school (about 2500 kids total) was half Puerto Rican. They would constantly chant/sing "PUERTO RICO!" through the halls, in the gym and other places. They'd also wear big, gaudy jewelry with the PR flag, paint the PR flag on their car, and then tie a small PR flag to the antenna. If you love it so much, why don't you go back there?
I'm partially German, but you didn't see me running though the halls screaming "Deutschland! Ich liebe dich!", carrying around German flag necklaces, and draping my Benz in the German flag. I don't think I've ever seen *any nationality do it like they do, anywhere".
This weird feeling when another group is around and shining is an underlying cause of xenophobia. It's natural for some people to strive to belong to a group, and it's natural to be cautious of a group you don't belong to because the animal part of your brain can take the group as a threat, and rightfully so in some cases.
In other cases, when there's nothing threatening about a group, that animal part should be kept at bay by conscious effort, by understanding both the group and its pain and the origin of your feelings. Many people don't know how to do this, and this is the biggest problem. Especially when instead of teaching how to build bridges, instead of learning new things about the other, people just go into defense mode. I'm so devastated to observe this everywhere now.
That said, LGBTQ people still have to fight for their rights, because lots of people still get murdered even in the US and that's unacceptable. 'Shoving it in your face'? I personally would love to stop it once people finally get accustomed to the idea being different doesn't mean being a threat and we stop being bullied and harassed and murdered every frickin day.
It is not clear whether Russia is targeting a specific LGBTQ+ group, or whether any LGBTQ+ person could be targeted and classified as extremist, if the motion goes through the Supreme Court.
That's how the law works here. Other than being an easy propaganda point, it's also vague enough that anyone can be charged for a little thing. The elites now are former and serving people from the executive branch (mainly national security services), and they are happy from having such a blank check. See: our blasphemy laws, discreditation of MoD laws, foreign agents laws. Gangs Cops and snitches' paradise.
I’m not used to seeing anyone who knows this so well on lemmy or reddit
This gift comes with a curse of being trapped here, I doubt anyone would want to take it (:
Lol I'm sure hexbear will have something to say about this..
Isn't it obvious, if you just read this 23 page PDF I'm going to copy and paste here you will understand that this is actually good and also whataboutamericaaaaaahkkgggkgtkykvgfff
Damnit don't Beetlejuice them.
"They just want to avoid a color revolution, also something something different cultures, something something taking their appropriation of anti-imperialist talking points at face value."
Fwiw they’re also racist AF. They got a whole - thing - goin on.
Yeah it's a third world shit hole. They need to demonize minorities to keep Russian people from realizing oligarchs have stolen all the country's wealth.
Hey, US conservatives, Russia is doing what you want to do here. Wouldn't it be easier to just move someplace that aligns with your views? I'm sure they'd let you bring all your guns, too, so you could LARP for real when you volunteer to go fight in Ukraine, because you want to pull US support for Ukraine anyway, right? They even have a nice church-state relationship, too. Authoritarian police. They let the rich get away with everything. Perfect for Republicans! All the work is done! Feel free to move any time.
Yeah all I hear those chucklefucks say is that if we don't like it, we can get out. Well, your fascist wet dream awaits you in Russia so kindly see yourselves to the door.
You don't understand. The elections are upon us. No wonder those 5th columns, extremists, and gays are going the extra mile to undermine them.
Next ban straight people!
Sometimes MSN will re-host WSJ articles with no paywall…just search for the title & MSN. Not all of them though, unfortunately.
Can we get a gay February revolution, I want to see twinks standing on the onion domes of the red square t posing with putin in a cage.
The queer community as a whole has been ready to go French for a while
Good luck with that! More great ideas coming out of the Putin toilet!
Alright then I'm going to move to totally ban the Russia movement, brb.