Better to build a pc with multiple hard drives or buy a pc then add hard drives? Purpose strictly for data storage/backup.
Im leaning more toward internal hard drives for storage since the external ones don't seem to last too long (good thing ive backed up). Anyway, im curious if its better to build a simple pc with 1 main and 4 added drives for storage or buy a prebuilt pc and add 4 backup drives. The drives will be 1tb each. Not looking for anything fancy, just simple but fast enough for reasonable data transfer. Thanks
Build, lots cheaper. I did. Went to used pc store. Bought cheap case with a lot of HDD slots. Up to 14 of them with add-on hardware. HBA-LSi card. b550? board, i5-6 or 7 cpu, 16gb ram, 128 gb ssd for os, 256 gb ssd for cache for the hdd when I transfer in/out. I got exactly what I needed. And not a build predetermined and spec'd by someone else.