Kbin mobile app list
Kbin mobile app list
All Kbin apps listed:
Kbin-mobile (discontinued):
Artemis (Apollo like kbin client) [Upcoming]:
Artemis (Apollo like kbin client) [Upcoming]:
Kbin mobile app list
All Kbin apps listed:
Kbin-mobile (discontinued):
Artemis (Apollo like kbin client) [Upcoming]:
Artemis (Apollo like kbin client) [Upcoming]:
Looking forward trying Artemis once the API has been merged back to the main repo and enabled on kbin.social
Artemis is ready for public beta. Just waiting on the API to get merged in!
Tho if u wanna join https://artemis.camp, to get on right now, here’s the TestFlight link. Getting Play Store link tomorrow. We’re running a fork of the API branch.
Can’t wait for the merge! Thank you!
I signed up for the beta back in June but nothing ever came of it. Do I just need to keep waiting?
[edit] never mind, I figured things out
Limited spots for first few waves and we had thousands of requests to go through. Once public beta is officially announced, emails to everybody on list will be sent.
Any update on the playstore link?
The first one is discontinued