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Far-right figures, including Nazi supporters, anti-gay extremists, and white supremacists, are flocking to Threads

  • White supremacists are like that guy nobody ever wants at their party but who always invites himself anyway. It's hard enough to keep him from washing his balls in the punch bowl when you're actively trying to keep him out. Meta doesn't even try except to the meager extent required by law.

    • Yes, bigots are bad. And if you see a bigot on the internet, you don't have to click on their profile or view anything they put out into the void...And it is a void by the way, the amount of people that their content appeals to is a very small number of people.

      So what's the harm in them having a platform if hardly anyone will even pay attention to them?

      dealing with someone who physically shows up to your place unwanted and uninvited isn't the same thing as allowing them to tweet mean things.

      • I think I get what you're saying, and there was a time when I would've agreed. I spent more years than I care to admit on 4chan, years I wouldn't have spent if I didn't think there was some value to people expressing their opinions no matter what they were. But...I dunno man, it's not a ton of people, but I wouldn't call it a "very small" number of people. Also the issue I'm getting at isn't that they have a platform, it's that if you let them they will try to make every platform their platform. And if it's an organized group they will do so in an organized way that is not the same as Uncle Ted cocking off about immigrants again or whatever.

        You're correct that you don't have to look at their profile, any more than you have to drink the pube punch. The issue isn't that I had to see the words of meanies. The issue is that allowing white supremacists to use your platform a) makes it look like the platform condones such things, which reflects both on the platform and the other users, which may cause the non-extremist users to leave if it gets bad enough, this tipping the balance of users more in the extremists' favor; and b) encourages people who agree with them. And the number of people who think certain people shouldn't have rights doesn't have to be very big for them to decide to organize and do something about it, including egging others on.

        Also you mentioned tweets, so I should apologize for not clarifying before. When expressing concern over extremists inviting themselves, I was not thinking about Twitter so much as I was thinking about the fediverse. I'm more concerned with what people are trying to build here than with whatever it is they're doing at Twitter these days. Elon's gonna Elon and we can't control that. We can, though, choose what company we keep here.

  • That's what I expected from the start.

    I guess I just assumed that that was commonly understood, As soon as I saw that it was going to be run according to Facebook's moderation standards, I took that to mean that it was going to be tailored to suit white supremacists and Christian nationalists, like Facebook.

    • Back when I used facebook, I barely ever saw any bigots...mainly because I never went looking for that kind of content on any website I've ever been to.

      The real reason why Facebook sucks is because they collect literally everything they can about your entire life, they look through your files on your local storage. And if you block any of their spying, they'll want to see your ID and SSN.

      There's bigots on every platform. Have you ever read any youtube comment sections ever?

      • Your activity on this thread implies you have a vested interest in downplaying Facebook's bias. I'm not sure why...

        Anyway - of course there are bigots on every platform, and of every stripe for that matter. The internet has enabled bigotry on a scale never before imagined, and the steady slide of much of modern civilization, and the US and UK (and lately Canada) in particular, toward overtly corrupt overt plutocracy has left more people than ever desperate for some way to assure themselves that everything wrong with the world is somebody else's fault, which makes bigotry a growing enterprise.

        But while bigotry is ever-present, each individual site has its own expressed bias for the particular forms it's more or less likely to at least tolerate, if not actively encourage.

        And Facebook's expressed bias is toward white supremacism and Christian nationalism.

  • Supporting free speech means allowing people you hate to talk too. Censor a Nazi one day, then the next day it's something your weird friend likes, then the next day it's something you like.

    Everyone deserves a platform online, but they have to earn their audience. Censoring them is only going to make more people want to go to other platforms to hear and see what they have to say.

    • I am not required to respect "free speech" when it comes from a place of fundamental dishonesty. Slander is not protected speech. They are within their rights to bitch and complain about whatever non-issue they're up in arms about today and I'm within my rights to ban and ignore them.

      They are, notably, NOT within their rights to call for violence and death against LGBTQ+ folks, which many are doing, because that constitutes hate speech, assault, or even inciting a riot, depending on which particular situation you find yourself being a bigot in. All three of these are illegal and are not protected speech.

      Tolerance of intolerance is not a paradox, it is a failing of the people who are supposed to be protecting their communities. Tolerance of Nazis and racism are not required by the tenets of the Constitution or by the tenets of democracy and instead actively erode the protections enshrined within each.

      In short, Nazi punks, fuck off.

      • You're right, Slander isn't protected speech. But to prove that it's slander, you need to prove that it damaged you and you need to prove that it was said with malicious intent. You also need to prove that the statement isn't true.

        Who's going to take an actual nazi seriously when they have their stupid little protests against jewish people? Not that least not once they find out that they're a nazi.

    • It doesn't mean you have to give them the platform, though. If they want to create their own Nazi federation that's entirely on them, but you don't have to integrate their content.

      • If these companies are going to control what's on their platform then they shouldn't get a liability shield.

        They're a bookstore censoring the content of the books they have in the store.

        If you don't like what someone has to say online you don't have to click on their profiles or follow them or read what they're saying.

    • That's just common misconception. Free speech is there to protect people from the government, not business. If my anti-racism voice gets suppressed on Threads (assuming I ever make an account there) I'd just move to another platform.

      And really, there's no good reason for a well-intended internet community to allow racism expand.

      • Racism will expand if you censor it.

        How many racists have a big audience? And I mean openly, explicitly racist. Not the dog-whistle racism from Fox news.

        People have been censored by automated systems for just criticizing racists. Yes, that means that all the people who call them out for being shitty get censored too.

    • such a slippery slope! supporting free speech means allowing people to talk about how much they want queer people dead, too. tell the people calling for violence against queer people to fuck off, and maybe one day your very own calls for violence might get told to fuck off!

      everybody deserves a platform to call for the extermination of people groups, but they have to earn their audience 😏. i think we should do absolutely nothing to stop them, because doing anything just makes them stronger anyways. /s

      • There's already laws on the books for the things you mentioned, that's not what I was talking about at all.

    • The right to free speech is drawn from a US constitutional amendment, which says the US government can't censor speech, but it has nothing to do with private platforms like this, much less individual responses to Nazi rhetoric. Nobody owes hate speech a free platform.

      • But these private platforms have a liability shield. If they have a liability shield, they shouldn't be allowed to censor things.

    • True. Personally I think all people named Henry should not have human rights.

    • Free speech has always had limits.

      It’s mostly about the government not arresting you for what you say. It doesn’t protect you from the consequences of saying hateful things in a public space. Say something racist in an area largely populated by the race you’re talking about and you’re likely to get kicked, post some right wing misinformation in an online space that is largely left-leaning and you’re likely to have your post deleted. Neither of those things infringe on anyone’s right to free speech because other people also have the right to not want to listen to Nazis or racists or TERFS etc.

    • Disagree. Being absolutist with free speech because we can't trust bad faith actors to honor boundaries is not going to work, because they don't care about their own hypocrisy.

      Advocating genocide is a beyond free speech. And that's what nazi ideology, and fascism in general, do.

  • This would be the strongest reason for instance admins to not let Threads to federate with their instances.

  • There will be bad actors of all descriptions on all platforms. The key is how effectively they are dealt with. We'll see on that.

  • My level of surprise concerning threads hasn’t changed after reading this :)

  • I fail to believe a company that is so focused on being in line to whatever is politically correct, would allow Nazis onto their platform. HELL I don't believe ANY social media that wants a good rep would allow Nazis. They must be getting angry at people for having an opinion and jumping straight to "THEIR A FUCKING NAZI!"

    I did not read the article just the title so I don't even know why I'm commenting.