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M42 - The Orion Nebula

Equipment details:

  • Mount: OpenAstroMount by OpenAstroTech
  • Lens: Sony 200-600 @ 600mm f/7.1
  • Camera: Sony A7R III
  • Guidescope: OpenAstroGuider (50mm, fl=163) by OpenAstroTech
  • Guide Camera: SVBONY SV305m Pro
  • Imaging Computer: ROCKPro64 running INDIGO server

Acquisition & Processing:

  • Imaged and Guided/Dithered in Ain Imager
  • 420x30s lights, 40 darks, 100 flats, 100 biases, 100 dark-flats over two nights
  • Prepared data and stacked in SiriLic
  • Background extraction, photometric color calibration, generalized hyperbolic stretch transform, and StarNet++ in SiriLic
  • Adjusted curves, enhanced saturation of the nebula and recombined with star mask in GIMP, desaturated and denoised background

This is my first time doing a multi-night image, and my first time using SiriLic to configure a Siril script. Any tips there would be helpful. Suggestions for improvement or any other form of constructive criticism are welcome!

  • Looks great overall! I think you may want to increase your dither size (or do them more often), as there's a hint of raining noise when pixel peeping. Also if your tracking allows for some longer subs, you could try to HDR those with your 30" exposures and bring out some of the fainter parts of the nebula