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Portugal's drug decriminalization faces growing opposition as downsides grow Once hailed for decriminalizing drugs, Portugal is now having doubts

As addiction becomes more visible in cities like Porto, authorities and citizens groups debate whether to undo Portugal's landmark tolerance for drug use.

Once hailed for decriminalizing drugs, Portugal is now having doubts

Not at all to say the net balance on the pros/cons for decriminalization has tipped, especially since one of the main points the article mentions is that the funding that was supposed to social services and rehabilitation programs that went hand in hand with decriminalization has absolutely cratered over the last decade, but flubbing the execution on programs like this is why they don't catch on more and one of the main (and to be fair valid) points of contention about spreading ideas like this further.

TechNews irradiated
[HN] Once hailed for decriminalizing drugs, Portugal is now having doubts