measuring rule
measuring rule
measuring rule
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Idk, 0 being the melting point and 100 the boiling point of water just seems to make much more sense to me than whatever the hell the Fahrenheit scale is doing
The freezing poit being 0 is convenient though. I can look at the thernometer, and if there's a negative sign there's probably ice outside
I don't see how 55 vs 60 Fahrenheit captures the difference better
This is really not a problem with Celsius. It’s a result of us being used to Fahrenheit. We could probably switch and not have any issues after a month or so if we really wanted to.
Mostly joking, but Farenheit is % hot outside.
0°F is 0% hot. Jacket, pants, boots, scarf, etc.
30°F is 30% hot. Shorts, but with boots & an unzipped jacket.
60°F is 60% hot. Shorts, short sleeves, & sandals.
80°F is 80% hot. AC recommended.
100°F is 100% hot. AC or you'll melt.
120°F is Phoenix, Arizona, a city which should not exist and a temperature which should not exist.
0 and 100 only at sea level.