I'm reminded of this after the hoopla at the Northern Border died down
I'm reminded of this after the hoopla at the Northern Border died down
Bless their little hearts as they also blamed Canada again...
I'm reminded of this after the hoopla at the Northern Border died down
Bless their little hearts as they also blamed Canada again...
"The party of personal responsibility" has never found an issue they couldn't blame on someone else.
It's all projection, all the time.
Yah cause Biden is PERSONALLY responsible, NoT mY PrEzDeNt /SARCASM🤮🤢
Remember “Thanks Obama!”?
It could be merged into "Thanks O'Biden!"
O'Brien. Everyone's favorite punching bag.
Oh man that's gold...
Thanks Obamium!
Yes, but not because they believe it, but because it serves their agenda of Chaos and deception to benefit the 1%
It’s a simple rule guys: it’s ALWAYS the president’s fault. Unless it’s their president, then it’s NEVER the president’s fault.
Dems do the same thing with Trump. Moral of the story both sides suck
Edit: Bring on the downvotes, can't prove me wrong tho
Not even comparable. Republicans are in a completely different league
You know tons of "Dems" have tons of criticisms for Obama and Biden?
Also you both sides people ignore that one side is mostly incompetent while the other literally wants to actively harm minorities, LGBTQ+, immigrants etc. Biden has been getting a ton of shit for his Israel/Palestine response as well as his union issues. In addition, some of his stances in the past.
Even comedic songs mocking that Biden was literally the only choice.
i heard someone talking about "Bidenflation" today
Couldnt have sounded dumber if he tried
That's sounds like the "Justin-flation" from Pierre Poilievre from the Conservatives in Canada...
America (including Canada) is getting in a dumb conservative hell...
And my premier views DeSantis as a great inspiration 🙃
Conservatives love nicknames. It's like they are 8 year olds.
They really show off their creative flair when they try to mock "democrats" as "demon rats" or "demo craps" or something in all caps, and... Expect a little gold star or something?
The more flustered they are at random local news without a preexisting political bent, the more desperate they get lol.
I saw someone calling Democrats "commusocialists." That was great.
That's a good one. It might top "I've done my research via Internet Explorer 5.0, horse dewormer for me please"
I’ve heard hundreds of times, started in December of 2020. It was a dumb the first time as now
I thought it was Obama they blamed?
Thanks Obama!
Why am I seeing a whole bunch of pictures of female Japanese adolescents dressed like Donald Duck?
Danke Merkel
It’s a simple rule guys: it’s ALWAYS the president’s fault. Unless it’s their president, then it’s NEVER the president’s fault.
Your comment duplicated. I’ve seen this happen all the time on Reddit, but I didn’t know Lemmy had this issue as well.
Ugh yeah I’ve seen it a few times. I think it has something to do with higher usage than the servers can handle at one time so it tries to post, “can’t”, so it does again but the first one did too but idk
..what's been going on this time?
A (probably drunk) guy at the Canadian-US border slammed his Bentley into a barrier after speeding up for some reason and his car exploded. Republicans decided it was a major terrorist attack and we should close the entire U.S. Canadian border and an Iranian passport was found near the car and all kinds of stupid nonsense.
Danke Merkel!!!1111
Where is the joke.
I wish there was one: https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/border-incident-erroneous-reporting-1.7036978
The joke is US conservatives like to blame absolutely everything on Biden, especially "lax border security" like what terrorists exploited at the northern border yesterday, as some pieces of shit claimed before the facts were in (Lake since deleted it, Kinzinger was a hero and snagged a screen cap first).