My face staring back at me
My face staring back at me
My face staring back at me
I still remember when I first saw this on Reddit the name of ruawri (including the trans flag) was cut off and people were insulting her in the comments how she was self-absorbed, "character looks nothing like her", "she wishes she looked like that", "women always make themselves in video games", etc.
When it turns out she is trans now suddenly it's sweet and wholesome and got featured at Respectful Memes. People are hypocrites.
Different people with different context and at different times behave differently?
I should use this as the basis for my thesis, thank you ParsnipWitch!
Holy fuck, but TomatoRogue is in another thread explaining to everyone how people all behave the exact same in all contexts and at all times! I don't know who to believe anymore.
I don't expect people who leave such comments would suddenly be supportive after finding out she's trans. For what it's worth, I missed the trans part at first and just thought it was neat.
Have you considered that Reddit is full of toxic incels propagandized to by GG?
Tbf, there were actual incidents where game news journalists gave preferential treatment to indie game devs they knew personally/went out drinking with/had dated. There was confirmation of that from leaked game journo email groups/chains. There was also concerns about preferential reviews being given to games that were running ads on a site. There was a small kernel about actual journalistic integrity concerns and what responsible disclosure means for games journalism.
Unfortunately that got swallowed up by a lot of bullshit:
What does that have to....oh shit, really? Damn...
Thank you for the empathy, friend <3
Tbh it's really difficult these days with all the hyperfixation on us. Especially when the powers that be choose to target us and our healthcare specifically. To live is an act of defiance at this point.
girls just want to have fun 😛
On the one hand, very sweet.
On the other, UGH NOW I FEEL OLD. I was already an adult working an office job when guild wars 2 came out :(
Someone I worked with was super into GW1 and was very excited about the sequel, excited enough that I tried it out at release. I liked it but didn't have a lot of time so lost interest.
I was quite surprised to see it pop up still being updated the other day!
All blondes look the same?
Damn, you're so far up the ass of your own misogyny that you can't even read critically. Life must be really hard for you.
EDIT: would this commenter saying "All [insert race here] look the same?" be acceptable to all of you? I sincerely doubt it. Why is them 'joking' the same about women okay for you all?
I started playing guild wars when I was 14
the first one
what kind of bullshit is this
Unexpected age reminders are the worst part of the internet.
Still one of the best MMO games on the market. Can recommend everyone to check it out.
Plus no subscription and horizontal design so you can take breaks comfortably.
It's worth seeing in my opinion if someone enjoys the genre. The only oddity to me is that it doesn't offer controller support and hasn't found its way onto consoles. It isn't an old school MMO with too many buttons.
Traumatic flashback to old MMOs that had 3 full bars of skills. Ugh. Guild Wars 2 nicely limits it to 10 skills at a time. Plus UI shortcuts like "inventory" and "equipment".
I bought it when it released. Does that mean that I can go back and play it again without paying more money? The subscription thing is what has stopped me from going back to Eve Online. I actually reinstalled it a month or so ago, logged in, saw that I couldn't even undock with the ship I was in, and uninstalled it. That was disappointing.
Met some of my closest irl friends in GW2, many of us don't even play anymore. It's a good one. :)
Man, I love guild wars 2. Too bad my characters can't be gender goals 'cause they're all charr, except for my meme-y salad man named "wyrd sahlud". I just wish their balance team wasn't so shit. I still haven't returned after they absolutely butchered my beloved Chronomancer.
If you’re refering to the time they removed quickness/alac combo, it was absolutely deserved. Back then, the only 2 supports were chrono druid, now you have much more variety. The nerf to distortion share was also deserved as it trivialized many raid mechanics. Besides these two things, chrono is still very viable, even in the hardest of content. PvP/WvW roaming burst is great, support in zerg is still very common. It can also be played as a decent power alacrity dps or pure dps in PvE.
It’s true however some patch notes are kinda bad, like a few months ago deadeye went from full dps 44k benchmark to quickness support 49k to all builds below 40k. This patch balance is really good however, and as someone who played since launch, I’d say it’s better than it’s ever been.
I'm referring to when they removed lesser signet of inspiration. The thing I liked about Chrono was that it was able to function as a hard support, taking care of boons and whatnot. I also really, really liked the fact that the meta builds were able to incorporate the shield and a couple wells. Like, there are too many elite specs where their "meta" builds don't actually incorporate their elite spec weapon or abilities, only the spec's skill tree. Finally, the spec just felt good to play because it felt very intuitive once you got the basic idea of how to maximize your boon uptime; lesser signet of inspiration meant you wanted to make sure your phantasms got boons, because when the phantasms expired, they'd give their boons back to you, which you could then give to allies using signet of inspiration.
I honestly think a better solution would have been to buff other classes that already had supporting potential than to nerf the shit out of Chrono. It just stopped feeling good to play and felt more like a rollercoaster where you spend time smacking something with a stick while you wait for everything to come off cool down, dump everything at once, and then wait a minute or two again.
Edit: I guess to use a Dota analogy, the way I saw chrono was that it was like Witch Doctor or Dazzle (hard supports, their skills are highly focused on buffing or assisting allies), but there weren't really any other Witch Doctors or Dazzles, so it was OP in comparison. Had there been other Witch Doctors or Dazzles, it wouldn't have seemed as OP.
Edit 2: there was also a lot of hate, toxicity and entitlement towards Mesmer players in general, which was starting to get to me. Mesmers aren't NPCs and don't owe you shit. I'll drop a portal for you out of the goodness of my heart, don't start bitching at me because I forgot or because the portal timed out and I can't be assed redoing the jumping puzzle for you. I was on EU servers though (that's where most of my friends were at the time), US servers might be nicer.
I've been loving my power support Chrono lately for solo, story and open world play.
Good mix of melee and range plus good CC, a bit of active defense, and perma alacrity and near perma quickness to you and 5 friends.
It's not the be-all-end-all like it was in the HoT days, but it holds its own while being far less stressful to play.
Que up the Mulan sound track
The funny thing is that you can interpret this either positively or negatively depending if you choose lyrics "who is that girl I see vs "BE A MAN" lmao
I can relate
I don't get how this is wholesome. Sorry
She's trans. So when she made the character she was still presenting male and therefore the character looked nothing like her. Now that she looks how she feels; it's a wholesome surprise that she looks just like the character she made potentially even before she knew she would transition.