Puritans, renowned for their sexually-enticing clothing showing off a lot of skin.
120 0 Replyapp store F2P game lookin ass
107 0 Replygod I'm so tired of AI "art"
79 0 Replyreminder that the pilgrims were so smelly and ugly the natives thought they were absolutely disgusting
78 0 ReplyAh yes, the Pilgrims... famously Catholic
69 0 ReplyPermanently Deleted
65 0 ReplyMe and my friends are all in a communist compound and we have huge fucking tits and arms you fucking losers
64 0 ReplyTradcaths are fetishists and you won’t convince me otherwise
64 0 ReplyAn account that claims to be posting W's and yet the posts are CGI. Interesting.
55 0 ReplyPermanently Deleted
44 0 ReplyDude's elbow is right in the candle
43 0 ReplyPermanently Deleted
40 0 ReplyHas the person running this account ever been to church? The average catholic man is either a tall skinny stick or a somewhat overweight dad dude. No comments on the woman too lol, just really weird terminally online bullshit.
39 0 ReplyPermanently Deleted
35 0 ReplyAll politics is revealed as sexual pathology.
34 0 ReplyThe VVitch (2015)
34 0 Replypuritans didn't work out. the pursuit of such would be a sinful vanitie
33 0 ReplyTrads reproduce by budding apparently, the baby is still fused to the mother's neck at its hand.
30 0 ReplyWearing no shirt? Uncovered breasticles? Having a black belt in blowjobs? Visible wrists? These heathens would've been burned at the stake in their trad-utopia
29 0 ReplyMy horrifying mutant flesh family.
28 0 ReplyBaby like "mama mia look at these milkers! :D "
28 0 ReplyPermanently Deleted
28 0 ReplyI could bite his nipples off with zero effort
28 0 Replyhistory facts: among other things, the pilgrims who landed in america who made the first thanksgiving brought with them a fuck ton of trenbolone
27 0 ReplyConservatives have more brain power in their penis head than in their actual head.
26 0 ReplyThat baby with a demonically large smile
25 0 ReplyI want to know the AI generation terms they used.
24 0 ReplyThat's a pumpkin pie - frosted - with a smaller pumpkin on top as decoration. Right next to the gelatinized something pie, a family staple of course. And SOME PEOPLE say AI isn't smart.
24 0 ReplyWhat if...bara pilgrims....
24 0 ReplyBack in the 1600's boob job technology was not precise enough to make to equally large boobs. Also, back then spirit levels were very unreliable so the boobs would often be out of level.
24 0 ReplyYou are all fools and not asking the right questions, like what the fuck is up with that bulging pie. That's a fucking jelly pudding, that's fucking jell-o with a fucking pie crust.
23 0 Replyyou can't go over the river and thru the woods dressed like that
22 0 ReplyAlso how has no one commented on the fact that the only way for "Trads posting ws" to get content is to AI generate it? Weak.
22 0 ReplyLol the guy looks like Henry Cavill in The Witcher.
21 0 ReplyAnd then the candle ignites his body oil
20 0 ReplyTrad is just a BDSM type fetish for people who have never examined any of their emotions in their life
13 0 ReplyThis is so fucking funny lol. I can't even decide if it's funnier when it's unironic or ironic.
12 0 ReplyWhen your outside beliefs are puritan but your inner suppressed kink monster needs to express itself.
10 0 Replya- i- I- hu- uh- n- bwuh- BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
8 0 ReplyI'm jealous of the size of his boobs. he needs to get off the tren.
7 0 ReplyStarting barbie dolls but it's called tradgirl and ken is ultra chad
They live in Settler Land
Adolf Hitler is the uncle who comes to visit
Mussolini is the Italian Ice Cream vendor
Kinda Gross Sex stuff
Genital growth happens when they do a nazi salute
taking suggestions
There is gonna be another line called My Little Chuddy
7 0 ReplyLol i'll bang that conservative wife
3 0 ReplyI call this one "round meaty and white"
2 0 Reply