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  • Maybe it's because everyone is struggling with high costs of housing, food, and healthcare, among other things, while wages have remained flat and stagnant for decades.

  • I really wish news outlets would stop pretending this is some big mystery. Shit is too expensive.

    • IMO it's the inverse, we don't make enough. The 1% have been keeping wages stagnant. We can't stop the price of goods from going up, but we can increase pay from it sharing the bottom line. As soon as interest rates re-appeared, all the free money that was sitting around for the taking disappeared. Sooner than later, we'll be paying micro-transactions for crap that was previously able to be paid for by selling us ads. But that money isn't coming back to us.

    • It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.

      • Upton Sinclair, 1934
    • Part of what's happening on this front (things are expensive) is antitrust-related.

      Mergers and Acquisitions among competing companies, and 'vertical integration' along supply chains (both of which ought to get a lot more antitrust attention than they have for a long time) often means the resulting companies control supply enough that they can throttle supply and look, there's not enough of the things! Prices then go up- and the loss in productive capacity that happens when competing firms consume each other is behind those mysterious 'supply chain issues' that led to empty shelves during the pandemic.

      The election wave immediately following Watergate swept a lot of then-young, centrist Democrats into the halls of congress- and in so doing, also retired the Democrats' institutional interest in anti-monopoly enforcement. Since then, neglecting antitrust enforcement on boring things like commodities and pharmaceuticals has been a bipartisan affair.

  • THIS JUST IN! People raked over coals for nearly 4 years are feeling charred!

    CEO's struggle to find uncharted adjacent talking points about the future economy as the middle class shrinks like a dick in a cold stream, as they unforgivablely pretend to scratch their heads while literally stealing babies from mothers. The statistics are IN, and they show that corporations do not care to provide safe as advertised products. Mothers, as expected, should be uneasy to have children since their offspring are not only more likely to have developmental problems due to microplastics in their bloodstreams, PFAFs in their bloodstream, and Teflon in Along with the volatile markets, and sub standard pay increases that specifically affect everyone, except the A+ class that have trust fund money and live without feelings or care for any individuals, but the mothers must give birth for jesu... I mean for milit... I mean population contr...I mean moral values that age demographics that can't medically have children uphold. Wait. I meant because Jesus. I almost had it the first time. I really meant for Jesus. He was a swell guy, as long as you don't call him a middle eastern jew. Anyways, here's Jim with the latest CTE-ffective tackles from last night's game.