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I think I saw a god while tripping on mushrooms

Hello everyone!

During my last trip for a moment my wife and I went out on our porch. At one point I went and leaned against our banister, and when i looked up at the upstairs neighbors porch/our porch's roof, I saw a very large spider dangling from a loose thread above my wife/ above where I was previously sitting. It wasn't paranormally large, but definitely More Unique Looking/Platonic Ideal Of A Spider than most that I see in the city. I'd say it's leg span was probably 3-5 inches in diameter. I pointed it out to my wife and she said she couldn't see anything. This bothered me, not really in a Bad Trip way, but in a Something Didn't Seem Right way. I remark that it looks dead, and that it's some dead god that was once weaving our fates, and perhaps still is. It wasn't really in a Bad Trip way, but it bothered me my wife couldn't see it, so I got her glasses and a flashlight, because the sun was setting. I shone the flashlight on the spider, and for me it cast a distinct large shadow on the ceiling behind it. My wife still saw nothing. She has particularly bad vision, and didn't wanna go out on the porch with a potentially Killer Spider (my ravings may have weirded her out a little :p), so we decided that we'd check and see it was still there in the morning with the sunlight out.

Sure enough, it's gone, and right around where I saw it, a small vine that a tripping person could mistake for a spider's thread is dangling down. No spider though. None of it particularly Wigged Me Out, I left because I didn't feel a particular connection with it, but I'd done a lot of work with small and forgotten gods, and didn't feel In Danger. Does anyone else have any experience with spider gods, fate gods, etc?