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Carde Diem 01.18.22 XXI - The Universe

Also known as Za Warudo, The Universe represents endings, fulfilment, completion, destination, and belonging. It is the final card in the major arcana, the end of the fool's journey, wherein she realizes the oneness and totality of everything, that substance and style, form and matter, noumenal and phenomenonal, thesis and antithesis are all bound together and are defined in terms of each other. The internal world is a mirror of the external, and our own microcosmic biomes are in turn reflections of the whole universe. The universe is at the same time both one and many, the ultimate totality that sets the boundaries of discourse and also the only constant referent.

What is the universe telling you today? How can you listen to her and heed her guidance? We are all journeying toward our own goals. What are yours?