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Dude is against open source cuz "it mathematically leads to monopoly" while working for Microsoft.

There are lots of other galaxy-brain moments there.

"Single payer economies leads to bad things like Bolshevism and Stalin" Let's hear your rant

  • I don't even need to say this but gulag

    FOSS has many, many problems but contributing to monopoly is not among htem.

  • He's playing into that absurd liberal "If you aren't paying for the product, you are the product" false dichotomy.

    Here's a hot tip for anyone who still believes that mantra: there's absolutely no reason why you won't become the product while you're also paying for the service. In fact, due to the nature of capitalism, the companies which manage to sell your data or to manipulate you and which manage to get you to pay for it simultaneously are going to be the most successful over time (all things being equal for argument's sake.)

    You think that if you're paying you're not going to be manipulated, like it's some sort of social contract in the era of digital media? Lol.

    The entire conventional PR industry prior to the advent of computers has been predicated upon both manipulating you and getting you to pay for it. But you only need to look at any Google paid services (e.g. YouTube premium) or Roblox or anything similar to see people both paying for it and getting manipulated and being harvested for data to illustrate that his claim is entirely bogus.

    This guy talks like a guru. And I mean that in the most derogatory way possible.

  • So-called "intellectual property rights" are literally government enforced monopolies wtf

  • I've read a couple of his books and he's got serious brainworms which is a shame because he's gotta really good insight into what VR is capable of doing to our minds, but he's been anti-socialism since the days when most hackers were largely anti-capitalist robin hood archetypes. He knows and sees all the horrible shit capitalism and silicon valley does and is going to do, but just sticks his head in the sand and doubles down.

  • Its just math, bro. You can't argue with it, bro. Long tail of risk made manifest, my dude. We have to be effective altruists, guy. Its really simple but I can't show any of it to you. I just can't show you what's in the box or how it works, because then that would ruin the magic. You don't need to know how any of this stuff works, dawg. Don't look behind the curtain, there's nobody back here. Stop asking all these stupid questions, you're not smart enough to understand, I swear, stop looking or the magic will go away! Dawg, you just gotta trust me, I'm good for it everything is fine, just stop asking how AI works guy dude bro STAWP!

  • It is difficult to get a [person] to understand something, when [their] salary depends upon [them] not understanding it!

  • I will step in for Ulysses in the mean time :)

    Single player economies leads to bad things like Bolshevism and Stalin

    It truly fascinates me how these super mega-brained silicon tech geniuses (in all their genius) just can’t seem to reckon with the fact that capitalism has left a trail of blood like no other. But what are the “bad things?” Worker autonomy? Redistribution? Oppressed people taking back power? Can’t you just admit that you’re arguing from a moral framework at this point? Odd how no one ever does. It just has to be the case that anything but capitalism is evil and bad as a consequence of simply challenging existing ideology.

    Jesus fuck. Are we really going to pretend like it’s possible to quantify something as a complex as a monopoly? Economics is not a science no matter how hard you try to make it so, and economists will eventually cave to this if you dig deep enough. I think they’re renowned in the STEM world for the pretty remarkable feat of enrolling in graduate-level courses as a high school student, but they are very clearly not objective. How the fuck can you possibly make a claim about the veracity of something leading to a monopoly? As I’ve said on this site before, I’m the furthest thing from a philosopher, but how is that not an absurd claim?

    All the proof you need to know that our collective understanding of intelligence means jack shit. I sometimes think “Yeah, I guess since there’s this general trend of certain people taking a test annd answering logically/computationally complex questions with ease, maybe IQ is somewhat valid.”

    But then I think back to people like Hawking and Einstein who would’ve unquestionably performed well on those types of tests but had an entirely different worldview. And I really can’t help but think it all comes down to philosophy, namely ethics and what we ought to do as human beings.

    These thoughts brought to you by a brain that just finished reading Bullshit Jobs so I would like to thank David Graeber for his help with this post.

  • Dude is against open source cuz "it mathematically leads to monopoly" while working for Microsoft.


    capitalism leads to monpoly. not open source. why does capitalism lead to monopoly? because capitalism is competitive, and competitions have winners and losers. when a loser enterprise is vanquished under capitalism, it is either driven from the market through bankruptcy, or it is absorbed/merged into a winner enterprise. Eventually the winner enterprises get so big that it is prohibitively expensive to enter the market in competition with them, and smaller firms simply become auxiliary forces for the large firms, to be absorbed when the charade of separateness is no longer useful. Once all firms are vanquished/absorbed/made into auxiliaries, you have a vertically and horizontally integrated monopoly enterprise. How do you get rid of this monopoly? Under socialism, you would nationalize it. Under capitalism, you simply "trust bust" it like Teddy Roosevelt did, and force a RETVRN to the state of competition. In both situation, ancaptain will complain that you are "punishing winners", of course.

    "Single payer economies leads to bad things like Bolshevism and Stalin"

    Even if you think Communism is bad, this is idiotic. Single payer policies alone aren't socialism. If an imperialist capitalist state has free health care, Lenin is not going to rise from the grave. And Tsarist Russia, on the eve of the October Revolution did not have a "Single Payer Economy" which led to Bolshevism lmfao.

    What led to Bolshevism was the failures of the Tsar and his ministers, the Russo-Japanese War, WW1, the black hundreds, the pogroms, the failure of the 3 dumas, the failure of Stolypin's reforms, the failure of the provisional government and Kerensky, etc. etc. etc. shit this bazinga brain has probably never even read about.

  • If its all going to tend to monopoly, then why are there so many Linux distros, even after 30 years? FOSS is based

  • Okay... the most charitable interpretation I can give that, is that he means that open source models would lead to monopoly by outcompeting other models, assimilating all other enhancements into an already popular model that has widespread usage. This is in fact the only interpretation that we can go off of because all of the others would just be outright falsehoods. And of course he doesn't say anything more specific to inform us about any other options.

    My response is: Yes, I do hope they will. Fuck your profit margins.

  • yeah, of course Netflix never mentioned FOSS or any of the fucked up shit Amazon/AWS does

  • Open source software can be coopted by existing monopolies. In what way does it cause them? I’m still listening to the interview to find the clip but my god.

    Edit: Oh, I think he’s saying the networks formed by the open sharing of data are unstable and will tend towards the centralization of data transmission. Sounds like a good case for forming a public utility, no?

  • Monopolization of what exactly? The use of the FOSS software?

    It's not anyone's fault that FOSS is objectively superior in every way.

  • This dude was in that shitty tech documentary, right?

  • He's a hack, doing his job as a hack by saying hack shit. Nothing surprising here.

  • This is a Black Lodge spirit.

  • are the youtube comments paid by jaron or something? Theyre all robotic and really, really weird lmao

  • Chaotic Evil Matt Christman

  • A monopoly of the proletariat

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