pushes up glasses TECHNICALLY you cant cast two leveled spells in one turn, even with action surge. Just one and everything else must be a cantrip.
And yes, I am fun at parties
pushes glasses even higher That rule specifically only applies when you use a bonus action to cast a spell. (Rules link). Two leveled spells using your actions are fine. Here's the relevant sage advice to confirm.
While the sage advice doesn't address leveled spells in action/reaction (e.g., fireball and counterspell) in the same turn, we can assume it is possible as no bonus action is used.
TECHNICALLY you're incorrect.
Although many people get this wrong.
Technically, "fuck everything in that general direction" can also be applied to bards
… are you proposing a sexual cone “attack”? ( consent first last and always)
Such a spelled with maximize efficiency at orgies.
For instance, it apparently took comedian Grant o Brian, 3 to 4 hours to suck 50 dicks. ( this was in a party underneath the supermarket in Brooklyn in 2012. It is unclear whether or not it was his birthday. There was a snack bar.)
In any case, and oral variant of such a special less, you propose would allow him to have done it in a fraction of the time!
Thank you so much for your comment and I hope you’re having a great weekend.
Sounds like a fucking great time for everyone behind the Sorc/Fight!
Maybe two Fire Balls for extra AOE?
Two level 3 slots and action surge all for fairly easy dex saves? I hope that was worth it
Better cast Fist the next time.