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Life of a 30's

Hello, I am a young CF man of thirty years. I want to hear from my elders CFs. How they were living in their thirties.

  • Now in my sixties and still CF. In my thirties the only real down side was the loss (largely) of friends who had chosen to have children so could now no longer come out to play.

    But life was good, on the whole.

    And still is.

  • With spare money/disposable income. Want to go on holiday? we do. Want a lie in at the weekend? we can. Peace and quiet? lots. None of this possible with kids as they take over your whole life.

  • Currently in my mid 30s. Life is good. Spent the past year trying to turn over a new page in the book of life. Hoping to emigrate with my partner soon. I've already changed to a remote working job. I split my spare time between: running, photography, sailing, hiking, coding & gaming. Lots of this would be impossible or very difficult with children.

  • I'm 58, child free. I think it depends on the reasons you don't hand kids ? If its just so you can party, those reaosns will likely change.

    My first wife and I were on the same page, so I had a vasectomy, she didn't need to be on the pill,.albeit her reasons for CF were differnt to mine. I didn't want them mainly for ecological reasons, too many people on a small planet, that has only become more urgent since, so those reasons haven't changed, if that makes sense ?

    My current parter had 2 kids from a previous marriage but she had them young and they were grown up, moved away to other cities with thier own lives when we hooked up. She loves then dearly and is proud of them but has said she'd never have had kids knowing what she knows now.

    I could always have adopted, the world is full of unwanted kids, no need to bring more into the world.