and google talk (2007)
and google voice (2009)
and google wave (2009)
and google buzz (2010)
even google plus+ hangouts (2011)
google+ huddle (2011)
google docs chat (2013)
hangouts proper (2013)
google spaces (2016) :
google allo (2016)
google meet (2017)
youtube messeges (2017)
google chat (2018)
google maps messages (2018)
google RCS (2019)
Google photos messages (2020)
google stadia messages (2020)
google pay messages (2021)
gogole assistant messages (2021)
google phone messages (different from above) 2021
google chat (AGAIN) 2021
Honestly, I don't care about design changes in android anymore because whether good or bad they're just going to change it for change's sake in no time anyways