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Void - Asiné's Diary Page 3

Yet another post for the Diary story I've done a couple times. I'm not 100% happy with this page yet, but I figured I'd post it anyway.

I'm still having issues loading most posts / comments here, so my apologies if I don't reply here, but I'll appreciate your comment anyway.

Page One

Page Two

(Day X-1 cont.)

After it looked at me funny it kind of... walked or sauntered or - well I am not really sure how it was moving. It wasn’t hopping like a regular frog. To be honest, it hardly resembled a frog at all but it did croak once.

But it almost seemed to beckon me, and at this point I’d say that it did. So, I followed. I’m not really sure how far I got, it must not have been far before I heard it. A low growl. After the typical shock though, I almost laughed. A growl. Here? I think at this point I’d have been relieved to see an Earth creature. Give me a wolf! A bear! Anything from Earth! But, I couldn’t find the source of the sound – not until it stepped out of the void. The steaming frog reacted at the same time – with an immediate hissing sound. Steam replaced the air, and it was hot. I scrambled backwards trying to get out of the scorching air.

I will admit to thinking that was the end for me. I couldn’t breathe. I turned to run. Then I met her. - A woman of sorts stood there. I felt a gust of cool air from her, it was a relief from the scalding air. Before I could speak or even process what was going on, she grabbed me in her arms, and the same cool air brought us into the sky. I didn’t even think to fight her off, or to try to free myself. And now, I’m thinking maybe I should have had that instinct. Allowing yourself to just be taken by someone is not a great trait to have…

Now, I’ve never flown before. Not like that. Not like a bird, through the air all… free like. It’s not at all as amazing as it’s made out to be. The wind is so crisp and cold against your face that it stings, and it’s hard to see with all the wind in your eyes. It was kind of nauseating seeing the land go by so fast…

Thankfully it didn’t last long. But as we landed, a lump formed in my throat. I realized it’d be hard to run for my life if I needed to. We were standing on something suspended in the air and I was pretty sure the only way out would be a long fall.

[End of the page]