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Light - (Asiné's Diary Page 2)

Story is below ~200-300 words!

If you haven't yet, I suggest reading Moon to start (~200 words)., it was a little story in the form of a diary entry (~200 words) written 'by' Asiné a character who found herself in a strange place.

Today's post is a continuation of it.

Note: I am having trouble loading the entirety of this community. If you comment I will ofc try to reply, if I cannot due to your comment not loading on my instance take this preemptive appreciation: Thank You! You're amazing~ Eventually when everything loads in for me I will try to go back and give you all the updoots you deserve, and reply properly. Until then, I only have access to sporadic posts / comments. (If this is also happening to you, you can still visit the website directly (not through your instance) to see everything properly).

Day X-1

There is no point in trying to figure out how long I’ve been here. It seems as though the time in this place is off. It doesn’t pass like it should, I think it passes too quickly. And not like in a ‘I’m not paying attention and the day escapes me’ kind of quickly either. I’ll be honest – everything about here confuses me. It's kind of maddening. - But never mind that.

Today, when the light finally filtered in to my little den, I went out. To explore, to find… something, anything of intelligence, and well – I don’t know what I expected. I ran into... a frog? of sorts. It was relaxing by the river I get water from. It looked almost like a regular frog, but there was just something about it that I couldn’t quite place. It was bulbous and wasn’t sitting like a frog. And there was the fact that it seemingly let off steam. At first I thought it was a trick of the light or the water - or something. But, the steam definitely moved with the frog… and came from the frog.

So, like a crazy person, I tried talking to said frog. I mean, it could have spoken English, right? Given everything about ...wherever I am, it surely seemed plausible... It did not speak English, but I swear it looked at me funny.

What do you do when you find a steaming frog after you’ve found yourself in some strange place? I guess you follow it. - That’s what I did.

[End of the page]