Reddit now blocks signed out VPN connections.
Reddit now blocks signed out VPN connections.
Reddit now blocks signed out VPN connections.
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Weekly reminder that the best way to tell them off is to donate to the Lemmy developers, even 1 dollar is no doubt appreciated. Tell reddit off by using their competitor and paying for it.
Reminder is much appreciated. I checked out their donation page and learned that they also accept XMR, which is great if you don't want to give the middleman leeches (paypal etc.) any data or money:
Thanks to your comment, the Lemmy devs are now at least 20$ richer!
With that budget, gonna be some crazy new features soon!!
No really this helps lemmy, good job!
The server you use would also like some love.
In my case I'm my own server runner but hey I wouldn't mind a donation 😂