What u see there (weird colored stripes) is the actual LCD(part that creates the image) being cracked which is not repairable. Unless u can find a replacemt LCD module for that exact screen, you wont be able to get it working. If u take it all apart the other subcompononents can be useful for tinkering, like the backlight can be used for all sorts of things and there are funky optical filters in there but nothing that will be useful to you unless u like playing with electronics.
Just noticed that the screen isnt even fully dead. So then why not just use it as is? There shouldnt be any danger from the LCD being broken. If u cover up the dead part then its basically a 4:3 display you could use as a second monitor.
xrandr --output > move the active part over.
xrandr --output > move the active part over.
xrandr --output > move the active part over.
Ear-ly in the morning
If you no longer care for using it as a monitor, you can turn it into a fancy lamp. With some minimal electronic knowledge and diy skill it can be made into a collimated lamp that simulates sunlight from a window.
You could use it as an extra monitor for emulating older 4x3 ratio games, just run the emulator on the right side of the screen, and maybe put some black paper over the cracked area to be a little less bothersome.
I would say to use it as a monitor it is probably not going to work as the actual part that makes the image is broken. However you could probably repurpose it as an artificial light such as the one from DIY Perks YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/6bqBsHSwPgw
I once repaired an all-in-one PC with a display I bought online. Wasn’t particularly hard but takes a while if you’re doing it for the first time. Try googling your monitor type and „display“ and see if there are replacements available.