Sadly at work force pushing just isn't an option, so I've just learned to ignore my deadname. There's apparently some way to use .mailmap to swap out the way your name/email displays, but github doesn't respect it in any case. :|
I do mostly update old JIRA/Confluence references as I run into them. I also make a habit of referring to others by their @handle references, since that will update automatically if they ever change their name.
i think github has the ability to map an email to an account, so it would show as your account name instead of the name and email in the commit message as long as you have registered the old email to your github account. at least for me it only shows my github username and nothing else
hihi, kind of ironic :,) , which is why I decided to switch away from them, but back then I couldn’t resist the tempation of using such a mail, also… isn’t the mascot just adorable!!! <333 >w<