Netflix developing over 10 games in-house currently
Netflix developing over 10 games in-house currently

Netflix head of gaming Mike Verdu has revealed the company has more than 10 games in development at its in-house studio…

Netflix developing over 10 games in-house currently
Netflix head of gaming Mike Verdu has revealed the company has more than 10 games in development at its in-house studio…
Bet they get cancelled after the first boss heyyyoooo (drum drum cymbal sting)
Seeing how they treat their own shows, cancelling them willy nilly. Really doesn't give me hope in them getting game series going.
I dont wanna go and get attached to a game just for Netflix to completely drop support
I was about to say, this sounds like a classic tax dodge. Start developing a ton of games, drop 8 of them come next year to make the charts look nicer for the shareholders, maybe release 1 game 3 years down the line.
Wait, what?! 😂 Okay, so is this gonna be a cloud based thing, because how stadia was so successfull? Or are these going to be downloaded apps? Or just stand alone choose your own adventure like black mirrors bandersnatch?
On its website, Netflix says by the end of the year it'll have 86 games for subscribers to play. This includes the recently announced Grand Theft Auto Trilogy - Definitive Edition off the back of the first trailer for GTA 6.
Or are they gonna mail me a disc for gta again? Lol I'm genuinely so confused what this will eventually look like.
They have games for Android already and you actually download the games; you don't stream them. Notice that this article doesn't specify whether these 10 games are for mobile or PC, though....
Nobody wants this.
So......11 games? I hate how press releases like this say "over" a certain number rather than just telling us the actual number.
I bet they're all shitty mobile games.
Are these 10 mobile games? Last I went on Netflix all they had was mobile garbage.
edit: looks like GTA is on there so maybe there will be something decent
Nobody even knows they have games anyways
To get on the way of whatever I'm trying to watch apparently
but how do I play the games on my old TV, that's the only place I watch netflix.
There’s some you play on iOS already. For example storyteller and Into the Breach. It basically checks that you have a Netflix account and then you can play the game.
They have games on Netflix already that you play using your TV remote. They're basically just choose your own adventure books, but in a TV show/movie format instead of a book.
There is also old crap like Doodle Jump, too, on other services that work on a TV using your remote.