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  • So......11 games? I hate how press releases like this say "over" a certain number rather than just telling us the actual number.

  • Are these 10 mobile games? Last I went on Netflix all they had was mobile garbage.

    edit: looks like GTA is on there so maybe there will be something decent

  • but how do I play the games on my old TV, that's the only place I watch netflix.

    • There’s some you play on iOS already. For example storyteller and Into the Breach. It basically checks that you have a Netflix account and then you can play the game.

    • They have games on Netflix already that you play using your TV remote. They're basically just choose your own adventure books, but in a TV show/movie format instead of a book.

      There is also old crap like Doodle Jump, too, on other services that work on a TV using your remote.