China bad
China bad
China bad
"Don't install this app! It's from a Chinese company! The Chinese gubmint will steal and collect all your data!"
Even if it was true why do liberals care so much that a government from a country on the other side of the globe could have any data about their person? Do they really think that the CPC holds any amount of power over some kid living in Iowa?
I barely care that a government thousands of kms away can have any of my info. What I care is that that info is in the hands of a government that has the power to actually carry out any actions or reprisals against me.
Do they really think that the CPC holds any amount of power over some kid living in Iowa?
The national security threat is purely hyped up because western companies spy on you for western intelligence and allow western intelligence manipulation of the feed of someone in the US or Finland but also importantly allow spying on and manipulation by psyops of someone in Vietnam, in Cuba, in Russia, in China, in Africa. Chinese companies will not do that. They will not give them global back-doors. They will cooperate to the extent required within the US or other NATO nations on spying on their users or manipulation as required by law but they will not allow global manipulation and dominance which is what this and the freak-out about Chinese 5G is all about. It's about making sure western intelligence controlled software, platforms, hardware is the global standard to compromise everyone everywhere, not about keeping the west secure from spying or influence.
Logic was never a big part of racism.
Whenever Americans accuse the Chinese government of doing something it is likely the American government who's actually doing it
📽 📽📽📽📽📽
It's always projection from them lol
Only gamers, Redditors, and unhinged liberals actually give a shit. The popularity of TikTok shows that most really don't care as long as the treats are good. That's why the US has to try and ban it to keep them from growing.
Does TikTok give info to the Chinese government at all though? Its American data is stored in data centers in the US (not China) and it uses Oracle for cloud stuff. If anything, it's leaking data to the American government.
(need checking) iirc apple alone is bigger than the top nine chinese tech companies, so the "chinese giants" are just another cheap scare tactic by imperialism
In their defense, no company - even from AES states - should have access to this much data.
And before you downvote, yes Western companies are far worse in this regard.
Giga based
How about this: spying and any other nasty digital behaviour from any party is bad. US or China.
Muh both sides! Muh both sides! Don't you know both are equally bad?!?!?!?! Sure, the west is bad but we can totes trust them when they say that China is spying on us though, they'd never lie to us about that.
I'm not pointing fingers saying anyone in particular is spying or being an otherwise evil party here, you've extrapolated that from almost nothing.
I think you'll find I'm primarily critical of American companies as that's who I have the most interaction with and it's the most prevalent in my society.
All I did was say that anyone who does spying or other nastiness on their users is bad, giving examples of two major players. And if you believe that spying and such on users is wrong, that's not an unreasonable statement.
So either, you believe that this stuff is actually fine to do to users as long as it's "your team" doing it, or that it's wrong no matter who does it (and in this case, there'd be nothing objectionable about what I said).
Even mario party?
The difference is that China cant do shit with my information because I don't live there, but the US absolutely can weaponize that against me.