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  • “What is scientific socialism without the working-class movement? — A compass which, if left unused, will only grow rusty and then will have to be thrown overboard.

    What is the working-class movement without socialism?—A ship without a compass which will reach the other shore in any case, but would reach it much sooner and with less danger if it had a compass.

    Combine the two and you will get a splendid vessel, which will speed straight towards the other shore and reach its haven unharmed.”

    stalin chad Needless to say, i am team stalin.

    • For the second paragraph, will it reach the other shore though because it seems that the working class is voting for fascists now?

      • Yes it will, no matter how bleak the current context looks/feels/is, it's still a very insignificant portion of history.

        • Hmmm… I am still not 100% convinced that without socialism the working class movement would reach the other shore though.

          For instance, see how syndicalism got us nowhere and how the bourgeoisie just took away all the concession they gave syndicates post cold war. See how Black Lives Matter didn't achieve a bigger change due to its lack of association with socialism. The capitalists just defanged the moment and gave bare-minimum concessions to apease the people.

          It seems that the working-class movements without socialism are boats that get sunk by the bourgeois missiles and torpedoes.

          We need both socialism and the working-class movement to get to the other shore.

      • The working class movement is more significant in the long run than electoral politics

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