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  • This is why I switched to K-9 Mail instead of using GMail because borderline Google was legitimately serving malware not just McAfee which isn't malware. Since it allows me to have my Gmail and other email accounts in it all at the same time instead of a dedicated app filled with ads leading to real malware.

    • Oh this doesn't link to McAfee, this links to a scam site that may or may not send you to McAfee's website after clicking their big "buy now" button.

  • Oh man been off the personal plan on gmail for a while (only have gmail for work because my office is on gsuite) and my pal showed this to me recently and I fucking rolled 🤣 I had tutanota an proton for a while but no SMTP support forced me into zoho which is still a millions time better than gmail

    The fact that it goes to a malware website makes it 100 times better