Response from the admins
From where I'm sitting it looks like classic overconfidence. I would say keep your eyes open in the future but don't pick up the pitchforks just yet.
Thanks. This community needed your logical input. I've been following this over the past few days and it seems like a blatent Reddit-type pitchfork situation. Based on the mods response and the absolute lack of proof surrounding the mods profiting from the crypto miner (honestly who the actual fuck even came up with this?), I think we need to all take a beat.
Also I don't follow cracked games but this Emperess person seems like a fucking psychopath and the fact that literally anyone here believes a word she says is absolutely astonishing.
I am asking this community to PLEASE STOP REPOSTING THIS. Don't let this community follow the ways of Reddit, please. We are better than that.
I agree, this entire thing looks very blown out of proportion to me. It's not the first time and not the last time there will be malware in a brand new game torrent on 1337x.
This exact situation has happened before with a new game torrent that had malware, torrent eventually got taken down, and nobody raised a huge fuss other than not to download that torrent.
You can feel their frustration in this post. Being a mod is a thankless job.
So why did he defend the torrent in the comments and said it was not dirty and the uploader is not banned? This defence is laughable.
You should pin it
You know it's bad when the almost constantly unhinged 'Empress' is the one speaking sense.
You looked at that screenshot and said, "Ah yes, here's someone speaking sense" ?
It's a sliding scale.
Haha, yeah okay perhaps sense isn't the correct word.
Image Transcription:
February 5, 2018
This is also a TVTropes article, of course.
Something something broken clock
Yeah, except EMPRESS was just complaining that her own torrents got deleted, not that others were unsafe
I’ll translate: “I find actions of the 1337x admins disappointing. Deleting my torrents causes confusion for the user base, and these actions reflect poorly on your character, suggesting pusillanimity and insufficient discretion when selecting a sexual partner.”
There should be an Empress translator bot
That would be possible now with GPT technology. Just not OpenAI, because I assume everything Empress says is against their terms of service.
I haven't had the courage to run executable code from P2P networks since the early 2000s. Even then it was probably a bad idea.
So you only pirate music and movies? How do you play games and use expensive software, then?
I buy them
I pirate movies and shows because the ecosystem for buying them is fucking trash. If I could just buy legal remuxes without DRM, I would.
I don't play games and I don't use expensive software (ok, beside Windows and Office). Mostly I don't use my computer when I am not at work. I have other hobbies and I have enough of computer at work (I am a software developer). I only pirate movies and tv shows. I don't even pirate music. I just use YouTube music, with turkish family account (it's the cheapest, around 1,20€ - 1,80€ per month for 6 accounts). I was using Netflix, but since they started blocking account sharing I stopped using Netflix. It's too pricey for how much I watch movies and tv shows. For Windows I usually download iso from microsoft, and find activator on mydigitallife forum. If I need to download some software (like Office for example) from some torrent tracker, I am lucky we have local private tracker that is known and used by whole country.
... Buy them?
I don’t know why, but I think calling people “pathetic cowardly whores” in this specific situation is hilarious.
What, exactly, does one have to do when moderating a torrent site to earn the title of “whore”?
I'm gonna guess you've never played COD
I see Empress is still subtle and classy as always.
That post is a bit older IIRC, couple of months.
Someone posted it because of relevancy i guess. Your point might still stand, i haven't heard anything about him.
Fuck Empress, however she's right on this specific matter.
I guess if you lash out at absolutely everybody, eventually one of them will do something to deserve it.
What's wrong with empress? I really don't follow this stuff much.
Ooh they didn't like this one
I wouldn't go that far, but he does make great indie music
Cool, then what will be the 1337x alternative?
I learned about recently. I'm not positive it's a good alternative though.
I used TorrentGalaxy for a while before I found RARBG and private trackers. It is the best site if you want small WebRips, but it's not the greatest for untouched Web-DL and Bluray remux.
I'm wondering if this one is good. It's listed as a goat in the megathread tho
Look for releases on the sites of the groups / ppl releasing them. Most offer trackers they seed to.
Other than that and private trackers, I like to meta search for torrents, but there proceed with caution.
Oh didn't know there was another meta search site like torrentz2. Thank you for the info!
For games? cs rin ru
Damn I always forget exists. Thank you! what else would it be? #sweden
Hmm I've heard that site nowadays is just the shadow of it's former self.
I wouldn't trust anything from a P2P site that purports to be:
Movies, audio & books are generally safe providing they use a recognized extension - mp3, mp4, pdf, mkv, aac, flac, epub etc. Stuff that runs under emulation like console games is generally safe. I say "generally" because an exploit could still be crafted to escape a popular media player or emulator and cause actual harm to your computer.
All the ads and 3rd party scripts should be considered malicious too and should be erased with an adblocker, or even better use Tor.
So basically use some common sense and if you really want some game or app, just buy the damned thing or wait for it to go on sale.
WINE is not safe to run malware in, it's not a secure sandbox. AFAIK, anything expecting it can do anything a Linux binary can. (Also, not an emulator, it's in the original name - WINE Is Not an Emulator)
I know what WINE is and the gist of "Wine is not an emulator". I have used it extensively and for a while it even contained some of my code (not sure if it still does). But it is still emulating but not in the way people think. WINE is not emulating the operating system but it is emulating the interface that an executable interacts with Windows, aka the Win32 APIs and other DLLs.
They even touch on this in their FAQ - *That said, Wine can be thought of as a Windows emulator in much the same way that Windows Vista can be thought of as a Windows XP emulator: both allow you to run the same applications by translating system calls in much the same way. Setting Wine to mimic Windows XP is not much different from setting Vista to launch an application in XP compatibility mode. *
As far as a potentially malicious executable is concerned, you can create a throwaway wine folder to run the thing and delete it as soon as it is done, e.g.
export WINEPREFIX=~/tmpwin winecfg # disable wininet from libraries tab, remove Z:, unlink all desktop integration folders wine keygen.exe # when done... rm -rf tmpwin
It doesn't matter if keygen.exe is evil because it can write anything it likes to the fake C: and the fake registry and it's blown away. As a precaution disable networking so it can't reach out either. In the extremely unlikely event that keygen.exe had code to detect it was running under WINE, it would still be subject to the permissions of the uid you had run it as, so you could take even more precautions if you felt so inclined. You could even use a dockerized WINE if you felt like it.
This is a piracy community.
Are cracked games no good anymore? You used to be able to get just about any cracked game back in the day. Sure, some of them might be malware, but it was easy to find one that wasn't.
For those asking “private trackers what’s that?”
/r/trackers (on the bad site I know) has a lot of info
For those who may be interested in getting into private trackers, you should start with in my opinion. They do an interview on the irc which is easy and you can join that way
It is a tracker for ebooks/audiobooks/comics that is easy to maintain a ratio on (via their generous bonus point system) as long as you are a decent seeder.
Once you’re on the site for a few months you can access the invite forum which can get you access to other private trackers. Think of it like a ladder.
Torrentleech (a general private tracker) occasionally has open signups throughout the year.
I’m on multiple private trackers, and they all hosted the infected version (they’ve been taken down now). Private doesn’t make it safe, especially when people are using automated tools to be the first to upload a torrent.
I didn’t say anything about that and don’t disagree but private trackers definitely have less of it due to their content having more scrutiny and standards.
Nothing is perfect. My comment only strived to let people know about private trackers as I saw multiple people ask about it.
The best way to get invites is to make friends with as many people on irc as possible
Thanks. Looks like the registration window is closed. I’ll check back soon!
What evidence has been found that links the crypto-mining wallets with the 1337X admins?
Literally nothing. This entire thing is one of the stupidest controversies that I've ever seen. One idiot made a wild accusation about the 1337 mods based on no evidence and apparently that was good enough for this community....we are better than this people, grow up.
See my reply to Whiskey Pickle for the evidence.
I read through the wayback link you had, but it really just sounds like admin are busy with their other lives and getting frustrated with new users spamming "trojan found" which is an extremely common thing to see from new users and they don't have time to verify everything out there. Even saying it has "unpacker.exe" wouldn't mean anything as the release was packed. Unless the wallet address can actually be tied to admin/mods, then that's just heresay.
That VitaminX user sounds shady as all hell, but that doesn't mean admin are doing backhanded deals with some users.
I hate empress but even I have to agree sometimes.
Don't go too far now
It's a screenshot of a tweet so you know it's true
It's definitely a real Tweet but I agree, if you visit the site to take a screenshit why not just copy that damn link!
At the risk of asking an incredibly stupid question, but if I only ever torrent video/audio, scan everything I download with defender, and only ever use a recently updated version of vlc, what's the risk?
I remember getting viruses in ye olden days, but afaik the main problem is malware now.
Risk is practically nothing in your case, because you're being careful, and know what you're doing. You won't run a binary when you were expecting the Barbie movie, for example.
If you were downloading binaries, then your risk is significant, but even then, unless you're downloading new releases immediately, it's likely that your antivirus will catch the new popular ransomware after a few days, when a few thousands of people have become infected. Governments won't employ valuable zero-days on any rando who just wants to see their new isekai episode.
If you're using Windows, just make sure file extensions are visible and that your file isn't named Movie.mp4.exe
This is about a game, which is a .exe. In your case, it's probably not an issue, but games will be. Pdfs also had an issue for a while, but I think that's solved. As far as I'm aware, there aren't any video/audio codec or VLC issues to be worried about though, so you should be good.
Movies and audio are very rarely infected, almost never. That depends on bugged software, so that you can be relatively safe of.
Executables... well... no anti virus can protect you in reality from dumb double-clicks. This is because viruses are trained against anti virus software until they can't be recognized. There are mathematically an infinite number of patterns to run a program to trick all kinds of anti viruses. So in reality you can't be safe. Once that's done by an expert virus creator, the best you have to protect you is a behavioral detection of viruses, which may or may not work.
So, don't rely on anti viruses. They barely protect you from script kiddies and legacy viruses.
why do you have to pirate VLC, just go to the website and download (or even compile from source)
He doesn’t pirate VLC, he pirates the audio/video he plays with it and asks if there is any danger in that.
Not what they're asking, read closely. They're curious about the risk from using pirated audio or video material (not executables). VLC is only mentioned as their player of choice, so it's easy to assume they've already got it installed.
I know this is probably obvious to many people, but if a charitable soul could explain to me what a miner is and why the admins are involved in it, it would be very much appreciated. Also, explain like I am 5 if possible
A cryptocurrency miner. It uses your computer to generate currency, which costs you resources (electricity, compute power, etc.).
Except the currency mined doesn't go to you, but to the malware designer
Isn't this ignoring the whole thing in the link about negative responses being removed?
Sure you can't have mods being vigilant 24/7, but the link seems to be arguing they're being vigilant in keeping the bad link up.
Tbf, people comment on almost any software with "keygen flagged as Trojan! Avoid!!1!" There are a lot of folk who aren't as on the ball with this stuff that don't know how anti-virus works or what a false positive is. It does get annoying dealing with those folk.
They're not really backing their claim up though in regards to "related to admins" and "admins are deleting other people's warnings".
And as far as I know the torrent has been pulled even.
Uploads are disabled for new accounts, how can it be so hard?
The wild speculation and naitivity in these threads are out of this fucking world.
Was anyone under the impression that everything on the site was free of malware? Has such a torrent site ever existed?
It's one torrent that's not safe. That doesn't make the entirety of the website unsafe!
There is literally no public torrent tracker out there that has no issues...
Does this mean we should remove it from the megathread?
Meh this is one instance that just keeps getting reposted every couple days. Pirating executable files has always been a risk and brought with it issues like this. There is little risk with music, tv, and movies.
All the more reason to have a list of safe(est) sites. I can't always afford games and when I do I prioritize multiplayer ones so I can play with friends. If I really enjoy a single player game I'll go back and dish out for it of course but there are way too many bad, halfbaked, cashgrab landmines that will outright rob me and others if we're not careful. Games are the biggest industry right now which means it's ripe for bad actors.
I still think it's weird that the admins are doing this...
No. 1337x isn't any more or less dangerous than any other torrent site (except rarbg, rip). Can we all stop this nonsense?
Public trackers have never been safe. Why not find a better tracker for your games or just buy it. Assume anything you have to install is infected
TL had the same copy apparently
I wouldn't download games from TL either.
Buddy it’s been posted here a dozen times since BG3 release
The difference this time is that Empress was angy wangy and had to cry.
In reality it was indeed a few bad releases of a popular game on a popular site... 1337x constantly had these. Just like Pirate Bay had them. I never go there expecting safety in the first place.
I just don’t pirate games or software, not worth it. I feel safe that mkv and mp4 files aren’t malware ridden
I have seen multiple posts about the situation by now with various claims but no one seems to have actually looked into it so I have questions! Is it true that moderators defended the upload and silenced criticism, is it true that the crypto address in question can be linked to the sites admins and is it true that the same malware is all over the internet in countless releases? Not all of those are from this particular pist but if someone here knows the answers I would be happy to read them!
There is a discord group in the official 1337x subreddit, the user was just a vip user, not a staff/moderator and he deleted comments after posting a malware in order to keep the release alive. Maybe he was trusted before posting it, and 1337x staff are a few people (lately even less) so he wasn't blocked quickly. Nothing more. I hope 1337x will make an announcement. The user who posted malware was under a blue nikname:
There wasn't any member of the staff that was helping the vip user to delete comments. He was just deleting comments under its own post by himself.
There is no official 1337x subreddit or discord group. Go to the 1337x official chat room (link on the front page of and ask about a discord group or sub reddit and they will tell you its fake.
Thanks! I don't know why a VIP would have this kind of power but that's exactly the kind of explanation I was looking for because (as usual) a lot of people claim all kind of shit whenever they get a chance and it can be hard to understand what actually happened, glad it's not as bad as it seemed at first glance! :)
I'm very doubtful too. Crypto mining isn't profitable on computers nowadays. You would need millions of infections to even generate a dollar a day. It doesn't make any sense that someone would work on such malware
With enough machines (especially powerful gaming rigs) you could probably still make a really decent amount and since the malware is detected by common antivirus tools and even Windows Defender as far as I can tell it's most likely old and just used again by someone but you always have to be careful with all claims in the cracking scene and considering how long that site has been reliable I definitely have my doubts!
Can we stop reposting this ragebait bullshit?
Before even worrying about the content of individual torrents people should worry about the sites themselves being full of ads, spyware and other garbage that generates revenue for shady people. There's a reason beyond just privacy that people use rss and magnet links. In an ideal scenario you never go to an actual torrent website.
Part of the reason I moved to Usenet
What's the alternative?
I use now. Or some search engine like, this one's neat since it does not have any ads.
There are few. For most of stuff there's fitgirl and for things that are outdated or not available there (like empress) there's dodi. also very good.
What else is there for movies and TV tho? 1337x and pirate bay are all I really know, and they're both pretty dubious.
I miss Demonoid so much 😭
bitsearch works
In the middle of this controversy there is just one thing I don't really understand: why haven't they banned the offending account?
From what I read, the admin of the site is long gone and they don't have the power to ban uploaders.
where to go now?
Nowhere. It's just baseless accusations and manufactured drama.
Was tempted to download it last night.
i was never really convinced of that site anyway. the agressive ad monetization made me feel like they were just in it for the cash.
what do I do if I have downloaded and installed the infected game?
If possible, turn networking off!
Dealing with viruses:
The world hasn't changed, theres just less in it.
I got baldurs gate from igg-games, does anyone know if I'm safe? I'm asking for advice dunno why I'm getting down voted xD
Igg has a shit reputation for adding malware to their torrents. I think it’s hit and miss, but better to avoid them than risk it.
Just get it from fitgirl. Can't confirm for this game as I actually bought it, but I never had issues before.
Igg-games is a very bad site to download anything from. There has been known malware in the past and the owners of the site are garbage.
Rule of the Internet do not trust anyone and it’s always wise to scan anything you download from Internet.
That's true, thx :)
Lmfaoo fuckin love empress so much.
i mean shes a terrible person but she is pretty comical. Also her being told in a dream that she has to crack games is pretty funny lmao
She's one of the strangest, most insane individuals I've ever seen on the internet, which is only compounded by the fact that she's insanely good at what she does. I love her too.
The Scene needs more women content creators as well.