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[Bug?] Going "back" gets triggered 2 times sometimes

Sometimes in a post I make the "back gesture" 1 time but it will be executed 2 times, but not always, only like every 10th time or so. This only happens in Liftoff so I assume it's a problem within the app.

Is anybody else seeing this behavior?


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  • Do you perform the gesture by swiping in from the left border of your screen?

    You can go back from a post by swiping the whole post right, maybe both trigger at the same time.

    • Interesting! It depends in which hand I'm holding the phone, so I'm swiping on both borders. I will observe if it happens only on one side of the screen. Thanks for the input!

      • Let us know if you do isolate it to that. Sounds like it should be a simple one to fix.

        • Been happening to me too, i'm fairly sure it is indeed just a case of both gestures happening at the same time

    • Ok, it seems that swiping on the left side is sometimes triggering "back" a second time. On the right side this never seems to happen. As you said, it must have to do with the built in swipe function. Oh well 🤷🏻‍♂️

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