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The first pig to fly. 1909.
  • We stayed in Sheerness (where this flight took place), and when my girlfriend saw this she immediately asked “Did pigs fly before women did?”. And the answer turned out to be no, women beat pigs by two weeks: “Sarah Van Deman … was the woman who flew with Wilbur Wright on October 27, 1909” source

  • Gotcha
  • What does “zoomed in to check which colour they re-used in the second chart so didn’t even realise there was a third one” count as?

  • rule
  • Isn’t every video game just moving colourful blocks?

    (Except Quake obviously)

  • It's canon now. And so is a certain image format.
  • i_understood_that_reference.jif

  • 🦌 - 2023 DAY 16 SOLUTIONS -🦌
  • Dart

    I'm cheating a bit by posting this as it does take 11s for the full part 2 solution, but having tracked down and eliminated the excessively long path for part 1, I can't be bothered to do it again for part 2.

    I'm an idiot. Avoiding recursively adding the same points to the seen set dropped total runtime to a hair under 0.5s, so line-seconds are around 35.

    Map, Set>> seen = {};
    Map fire(List> grid, Point here, Point dir) {
      seen = {};
      return _fire(grid, here, dir);
    Map, Set>> _fire(
        List> grid, Point here, Point dir) {
      while (true) {
        here += dir;
        if (!here.x.between(0, grid.first.length - 1) ||
            !here.y.between(0, grid.length - 1)) {
          return seen;
        if (seen[here]?.contains(dir) ?? false) return seen;
        seen[here] = (seen[here] ?? >{})..add(dir);
        Point split() {
          _fire(grid, here, Point(-dir.y, -dir.x));
          return Point(dir.y, dir.x);
        dir = switch (grid[here.y][here.x]) {
          '/' => Point(-dir.y, -dir.x),
          r'\' => Point(dir.y, dir.x),
          '|' => (dir.x.abs() == 1) ? split() : dir,
          '-' => (dir.y.abs() == 1) ? split() : dir,
          _ => dir,
    parse(List lines) => => e.split('').toList()).toList();
    part1(List lines) =>
        fire(parse(lines), Point(-1, 0), Point(1, 0)).length;
    part2(List lines) {
      var grid = parse(lines);
      var ret =
          (s, t) => [
                fire(grid, Point(-1, t), Point(1, 0)).length,
                fire(grid, Point(grid.first.length, t), Point(-1, 0)).length
          (s, t) => [
                fire(grid, Point(t, -1), Point(0, 1)).length,
                fire(grid, Point(t, grid.length), Point(0, -1)).length
  • [2023 day 10] part 2 seemed too hard so I visualized part 1 instead
  • Imagine you're looking at a grid with your path drawn out on it. On any given row, start from the left and move right, cell by cell. You're outside the area enclosed by your path at the start of the row. As you move across that row, you remain outside it until you meet and cross the line made by your path. Every non-path cell you now pass can be added to your 'inside' count, until you next cross your path, when you stop counting until you cross the path again, and so on.

    In this problem, you can tell you're crossing the path when you encounter one of:

    • a '|'
    • a 'F' (followed by 0 or more '-'s) followed by 'J'
    • a 'L' (followed by 0 or more '-'s) followed by '7'

    If you encounter an 'F' (followed by 0 or more '-'s) followed by '7', you've actually just skimmed along the line and not actually crossed it. Same for the 'L'/ 'J' pair.

    Try it out by hand on the example grids and you should get the hang of the logic.

  • ☃️ - 2023 DAY 11 SOLUTIONS - ☃️
  • Uiua

    As promised, just a little later than planned. I do like this solution as it's actually using arrays rather than just imperative programming in fancy dress. Run it here

    Grid ← =@# [
    GetDist! ← (
      # Build arrays of rows, cols of galaxies
      # check whether each row/col is just space
      # and so calculate its relative position
      # Map galaxy co-ords to these values
      ⊏:⊙(:⊏ :)
      # Map to [x, y] pairs, build cross product, 
      # and sum all topright values.
    GetDist!(×1) Grid
    GetDist!(×99) Grid
  • [2023 day 10] part 2 seemed too hard so I visualized part 1 instead
  • There is a really simple approach that I describe in my comment on the megathread, but it's always good to have a nice visualisation so thanks for sharing!

  • Featured
    🎁 - 2023 DAY 12 SOLUTIONS -🎁
  • Dart

    Terrible monkey-coding approach of banging strings together and counting the resulting shards. Just kept to a reasonable 300ms runtime by a bit of memoisation of results. I'm sure this can all be replaced by a single line of clever combinatorial wizardry.

    var __countMatches = {};
    int _countMatches(String pattern, List counts) =>
            pattern + counts.toString(), () => countMatches(pattern, counts));
    int countMatches(String pattern, List counts) {
      if (!pattern.contains('#') && counts.isEmpty) return 1;
      if (pattern.startsWith('..')) return _countMatches(pattern.skip(1), counts);
      if (pattern == '.' || counts.isEmpty) return 0;
      var thisShape = counts.first;
      var minSpaceForRest =
          counts.length == 1 ? 0 : counts.skip(1).sum + counts.skip(1).length + 1;
      var lastStart = pattern.length - minSpaceForRest - thisShape;
      if (lastStart < 1) return 0;
      var total = 0;
      for (var start in + 1)) {
        // Skipped a required spring. Bad, and will be for all successors.
        if (pattern.take(start).contains('#')) break;
        // Includes a required separator. Also bad.
        if (pattern.skip(start).take(thisShape).contains('.')) continue;
        var rest = pattern.skip(start + thisShape);
        if (rest.startsWith('#')) continue;
        // force '.' or '?' to be '.' and count matches.
        total += _countMatches('.${rest.skip(1)}', counts.skip(1).toList());
      return total;
    solve(List lines, {stretch = 1}) {
      var ret = [];
      for (var line in lines) {
        var ps = line.split(' ');
        var pattern = List.filled(stretch, ps.first).join('?');
        var counts = List.filled(stretch, ps.last)
         ret.add(countMatches('.$pattern.', counts)); // top and tail.
      return ret.sum;
    part1(List lines) => solve(lines);
    part2(List lines) => solve(lines, stretch: 5);
  • ❄️ - 2023 DAY 10 SOLUTIONS -❄️
  • It's so humbling when you've hammered out a solution and then realise you've been paddling around in waters that have already been mapped out by earlier explorers!

  • ❄️ - 2023 DAY 10 SOLUTIONS -❄️
  • If you're still stuck on part 2, have a look at my comment which shows an unreasonably easy approach :-)

  • ❄️ - 2023 DAY 10 SOLUTIONS -❄️
  • Dart

    Finally got round to solving part 2. Very easy once I realised it's just a matter of counting line crossings.

    Edit: having now read the other comments here, I'm reminded me that the line crossing logic is actually an application of Jordan's Curve Theorem which looks like a mathematical joke when you first see it, but turns out to be really useful here!

    var up = Point(0, -1),
        down = Point(0, 1),
        left = Point(-1, 0),
        right = Point(1, 0);
    var pipes = >>{
      '|': [up, down],
      '-': [left, right],
      'L': [up, right],
      'J': [up, left],
      '7': [left, down],
      'F': [right, down],
    late List> grid; // Make grid global for part 2
    Set> buildPath(List lines) {
      grid = => e.split('')).toList();
      var points = {
        for (var row in grid.indices())
          for (var col in grid.first.indices()) Point(col, row): grid[row][col]
      // Find the starting point.
      var pos = points.entries.firstWhere((e) => e.value == 'S').key;
      var path = {pos};
      // Replace 'S' with assumed pipe.
      var dirs = [up, down, left, right].where((el) =>
          points.keys.contains(pos + el) &&
          pipes.containsKey(points[pos + el]) &&
          pipes[points[pos + el]]!.contains(Point(-el.x, -el.y)));
      grid[pos.y][pos.x] = pipes.entries
          .firstWhere((e) =>
              (e.value.first == dirs.first) && (e.value.last == dirs.last) ||
              (e.value.first == dirs.last) && (e.value.last == dirs.first))
      // Follow the path.
      while (true) {
        var nd = dirs.firstWhereOrNull((e) =>
            points.containsKey(pos + e) &&
            !path.contains(pos + e) &&
            (points[pos + e] == 'S' || pipes.containsKey(points[pos + e])));
        if (nd == null) break;
        pos += nd;
        dirs = pipes[points[pos]]!;
      return path;
    part1(List lines) => buildPath(lines).length ~/ 2;
    part2(List lines) {
      var path = buildPath(lines);
      var count = 0;
      for (var r in grid.indices()) {
        var outside = true;
        // We're only interested in how many times we have crossed the path
        // to get to any given point, so mark anything that's not on the path
        // as '*' for counting, and collapse all uninteresting path segments.
        var row = grid[r]
            .map((e) => path.contains(Point(e.index, r)) ? e.value : '*')
            .replaceAll('-', '')
            .replaceAll('FJ', '|') // zigzag
            .replaceAll('L7', '|') // other zigzag
            .replaceAll('LJ', '') // U-bend
            .replaceAll('F7', ''); // n-bend
        for (var c in row.split('')) {
          if (c == '|') {
            outside = !outside;
          } else {
            if (!outside && c == '*') count += 1;
      return count;
  • ☃️ - 2023 DAY 11 SOLUTIONS - ☃️
  • Dart

    Nothing interesting here, just did it all explicitly. I might try something different in Uiua later.

    solve(List lines, {int age = 2}) {
      var grid = => e.split('')).toList();
      var gals = [
        for (var r in grid.indices())
          for (var c in grid[r].indices().where((c) => grid[r][c] == '#')) (r, c)
      for (var row in grid.indices(step: -1)) {
        if (!grid[row].contains('#')) {
          gals = gals
              .map((e) => ((e.$1 > row) ? e.$1 + age - 1 : e.$1, e.$2))
      for (var col in grid.first.indices(step: -1)) {
        if (grid.every((r) => r[col] == '.')) {
          gals = gals
              .map((e) => (e.$1, (e.$2 > col) ? e.$2 + age - 1 : e.$2))
      var dists = [
        for (var ix1 in gals.indices())
          for (var ix2 in (ix1 + 1).to(gals.length))
            (gals[ix1].$1 - gals[ix2].$1).abs() +
                (gals[ix1].$2 - gals[ix2].$2).abs()
      return dists.sum;
    part1(List lines) => solve(lines);
    part2(List lines) => solve(lines, age: 1000000);
  • 🍪 - 2023 DAY 7 SOLUTIONS -🍪
  • Lots and lots of print statements :-)

  • 🦌 - 2023 DAY 9 SOLUTIONS -🦌
  • I even have time to knock out a quick Uiua solution before going out today, using experimental recursion support. Bleeding edge code:

    # Experimental!
    {"0 3 6 9 12 15"
     "1 3 6 10 15 21"
     "10 13 16 21 30 45"}
    StoInt ← /(+×10)▽×⊃(≥0)(≤9).-@0
    NextTerm ← ↬(
      ↘1-↻¯1..      # rot by one and take diffs
      (|1 ↫|⊢)=1⧻⊝. # if they're all equal grab else recurse
      +⊙(⊢↙¯1)      # add to last value of input
    ≡(⊜StoInt≠@\s.⊔) # parse
    ⊃(/+≡NextTerm)(/+≡(NextTerm ⇌))
  • 🦌 - 2023 DAY 9 SOLUTIONS -🦌
  • Dart

    I was getting a bad feeling when it explained in such detail how to solve part 1 that part 2 was going to be some sort of nightmare of traversing all those generated numbers in some complex fashion, but this has got to be one of the shortest solutions I've ever written for an AoC challenge.

    int nextTerm(Iterable ns) {
      var diffs = ns.window(2).map((e) => e.last - e.first);
      return ns.last +
          ((diffs.toSet().length == 1) ? diffs.first : nextTerm(diffs.toList()));
    List> parse(List lines) => [
          for (var l in lines) [for (var n in l.split(' ')) int.parse(n)]
    part1(List lines) => parse(lines).map(nextTerm).sum;
    part2(List lines) => parse(lines).map((e) => nextTerm(e.reversed)).sum;
  • 🎄 - 2023 DAY 8 SOLUTIONS -🎄
  • Dart

    Part 1 was easy enough. For Part 2 I took a guess that the cycles were all well behaved and I could get away with just calculating the LCM, and it paid off.

    (List, Map) parse(List lines) => (
            for (var l in lines.skip(2).map((e) => e.split(RegExp(r'[^A-Z0-9]'))))
              l[0]: [l[4], l[6]]
    int movesTo(pos, steps, rules) {
      var stepNo = -1;
      while (!pos.endsWith('Z')) {
        pos = rules[pos]![steps[(stepNo += 1) % steps.length] == 'L' ? 0 : 1];
      return stepNo + 1;
    part1(List lines) {
      var (steps, rules) = parse(lines);
      return movesTo('AAA', steps, rules);
    // All cycles are independent of state of `steps`, and have
    // first instance == cycle length which makes this verrry simple.
    part2(List lines) {
      var (steps, rules) = parse(lines);
      return [
        for (var start in rules.keys.where((e) => e.endsWith('A')))
          movesTo(start, steps, rules)
      ].reduce((s, t) => s.lcm(t));
  • 🍪 - 2023 DAY 7 SOLUTIONS -🍪
  • It's Uiua time!

    It works, but even I can't understand this code any more as I'm well into my second beer, so don't put this into production, okay? (Run it here if you dare.)

    {"32T3K 765"
     "T55J5 684"
     "KK677 28"
     "KTJJT 220"
     "QQQJA 483"}
    StoInt ← /(+×10)▽×⊃(≥0)(≤9).-@0
    ToHex ← ⊏:"  23456789abcde"⊗:"  23456789TJQKA"
    ToHexJ ← ⊏:"  23456789a0cde"⊗:"  23456789TJQKA"
    # A hand of "311" with one J will have same rank as "41"
    # Dots indicate impossible hands.
    Rankings ← {
      {"11111" "2111" "221" "311" "32" "41" "5"}   # 0
      {"..." "11111" ".." "2111" "221" "311" "41"} # 1
      {"..." "....." ".." "2111" "..." "221" "32"} # 2
      {"..." "....." ".." "...." "..." "311" "32"} # 3
      {"..." "....." ".." "...." "..." "..." "41"} # 4
      {"..." "....." ".." "...." "..." "..." "5"}  # 5
    RankHand ← (
      +@0⊏⍖.⊕⧻⊛⊢⍉⇌⊕∘⍖...          # Count instances, sort desc, to string
      ⊗⊃⊢(⊔⊡:Rankings/+=@0⊢↘1)⊟∩□ # Use table to get ranking
    ScoreHands! ← (
      ≡(⊐⊟⊓(⊐⊟RankHand.^1⊔)∘⍘⊟) # Rank every hand
      /+/×⊟+1⇡⧻.∵⊔≡(⊢↘1)⊏⍏≡⊢.   # Sort based on rankings
    ⍉⊟⊓∘(∵StoInt)⍘⊟⍉≡(⊐⊜∘≠@\s.) # Parse input
  • 🍪 - 2023 DAY 7 SOLUTIONS -🍪
  • Dart

    I'm glad I took the time to read the directions very carefully before starting coding :-)

    Top Tip: my ranking of hand types relies on the fact that if you count instances of each face and sort the resulting list from high to low, you get a list that when compared with lists from other hands gives an exact correspondence with the order of the hand types as defined, so no need for a bunch of if/thens, just

      var type = Multiset.from(hand).counts.sorted(descending).join('');

    Otherwise it should all be pretty self-explanatory apart from where I chose to map card rank to hex digits in order to facilitate sorting, so 'b' means 'J'!

    int descending(T a, T b) => b.compareTo(a);
    var cToH = "  23456789TJQKA"; // used to map card rank to hex for sorting.
    handType(List hand, {wildcard = false}) {
      var type = Multiset.from(hand).counts.sorted(descending).join('');
      var i = hand.indexOf('b');
      return (!wildcard || i == -1)
          ? type
          : '23456789acde'
              .map((e) => handType(hand.toList()..[i] = e, wildcard: true))
              .fold(type, (s, t) => s.compareTo(t) >= 0 ? s : t);
    solve(List lines, {wildcard = false}) => lines
        .map((e) {
          var l = e.split(' ');
          var hand =
              l.first.split('').map((e) => cToH.indexOf(e).toRadixString(16));
          var type = handType(hand.toList(), wildcard: wildcard);
          if (wildcard) hand = => e == 'b' ? '0' : e);
          return (hand.join(), type, int.parse(l.last));
        .sorted((a, b) {
          var c = a.$2.compareTo(b.$2);
          return (c == 0) ? a.$1.compareTo(b.$1) : c;
        .indexed(offset: 1)
        .map((e) => e.value.$3 * e.index)
    part1(List lines) => solve(lines);
    part2(List lines) => solve(lines, wildcard: true);
  • 🌟 - 2023 DAY 6 SOLUTIONS -🌟
  • Today was easy enough that I felt confident enough to hammer out a solution in Uiua, so read and enjoy (or try it out live):

    {"Time:      7  15   30"
     "Distance:  9  40  200"}
    StoInt ← /(+ ×10) ▽×⊃(≥0)(≤9). -@0
    Count ← (
      ⊙⊢√-×4:×.⍘⊟.           # Determinant, and time
      +1-⊃(+1↥0⌊÷2-)(-1⌈÷2+) # Diff of sanitised roots
  • Advent of Code 2022 - the complete series DartPad

    An online Dart editor with support for console, web, and Flutter apps.

    Hi All, I posted here recently that I was spending November revisiting my AOC 2022 solutions (written in Dart) and posting them for reading, running and editing online.

    With my last solution being posted yesterday, the series is now complete, and might be interesting if anyone's looking for an idea of the level of difficulty involved in a typical year.

    To ensure that this post isn't just about posts on other communities, I've added a little bonus content - a simple visualisation I created for my solution for day 14 (flowing sand).

    Requesting moderator status for adventofcode

    The ! community is currently without an active mod: the original creator does not seem to have been active on Lemmy in months. I PM’d them to check whether they were still interested in the community and have received no reply.

    I'm presently more or less the only active poster there, though that may change next month when this year's Advent of Code kicks off.

    I'm posting a daily Dart solution to last year's Advent of Code challenges Nadvent of Code - 2022 Day 1 - Lemmy.World

    As 2023 Advent of Code is approaching fast, I thought I’d revisit my 2022 entries, and I realised a good focus would be to post one a day during November. No guarantees as to the quality of the algorithms used, but hopefully people will find the code readable and interesting. If anyone has questions...

    Hi all,

    As the title says, I'm currently going through my entries (written in Dart) to last year's challenge and rewriting them to run in your browser using DartPad. I'll be posting one a day until 25th November to the Advent of Code community on

    I chose that community as it is a bit larger and had a bit more recent activity than this one, but if there's enough interest here, I can certainly cross-post my posts, and perhaps re-consider which I should treat as the primary community.

    Cheers, Michael

    I'm posting a daily Dart solution to last year's Advent of Code challenges Nadvent of Code - 2022 Day 1 - Lemmy.World

    As 2023 Advent of Code is approaching fast, I thought I’d revisit my 2022 entries, and I realised a good focus would be to post one a day during November. No guarantees as to the quality of the algorithms used, but hopefully people will find the code readable and interesting. If anyone has questions...

    Hi all,

    As many people here may already know, Advent of Code is an annual programming challenge that runs from 1st to 25th December each year where each day a new puzzle is published for you to solve. The puzzles ramp up in difficulty during the month and can test your familiarity with core computer science principles and algorithms.

    As the title says, I'm currently going through my entries (written in Dart) to last year's challenge and rewriting them to run in your browser using DartPad. I'll be posting one a day until 25th November to the Advent of Code community on

    It's fairly quiet there at the moment, but I hope that with enough awareness of the community, it will liven up enough over the coming weeks that I don't have to go back to the other place for interesting discussions and hints next month!

    Cheers, Michael

    API call GetComments sometimes returns no comments

    This happens for me on a small number of posts, and is generally repeatable, even when the website shows comments.

    For instance, running on, GetPost(id: 290602) tells me the post exists and has 7 comments, as does

    But GetComments(postId: 290602) returns an empty list.

    If I run against the original post on '', GetComments(postId: 99912) does show me the comments, but I don't think I'm supposed to be second guessing the federating logic :-)

    Has anyone seen anything similar or can confirm they see this same behaviour for this post?

    CHALLENGE: What is this thing? [SOLVED]

    It's about 10 cm (4") long. Metal and plastic.

    Hopefully this will stump people a little longer than the other challenges have managed. What a naive fool I was! < 1 minute again...

    If you do find the answer using Google Lens, hold onto it for a while to see if unaugmented humans can work it out :-)

    Please add spoiler tags to any guesses to add to the element of suspense.

    Hello geologists, can you help us confirm if we're seeing a fossil in the linked post?

    We think it is, but it would be great if someone with a little more knowledge could post a more authoritative response in that thread.

    CHALLENGE: What is this thing? [SOLVED]

    Two white plastic discs that rotate freely, each with two semicircular arms which again rotate freely.

    More pictures:

    ! !

    What is this thing? What is this thing? -

    Let us help you identify that mysterious object you’ve found. Currently in CHALLENGE mode: If you’ve got something obscure knocking about, post a picture, and let’s see how we do. Please prefix such posts with “CHALLENGE:” so we know we’ve got a fighting chance.

    What is this thing? -

    Got a thing? Want to know what it is? Ask the massed minds of "What is this thing?" for help!



    Currently in Challenge mode, so if you've got something you think will stump us, post it as a CHALLENGE.

    CHALLENGE: What is this thing? [SOLVED]


    Just while the sub (group? community?) finds its feet, I thought it would be fun to post a few challenges. I'll be searching through my house for obscure objects, to see how obvious they really are...

    So, what is this thing? Springy metal, about 5cm across, with rubbery sleeves on the two arms.

    Sheep enjoying paddling in the river Rhine in Cologne

    A local farmer pens their sheep up at various points along the meadows by the river over the summer, and yesterday they were enjoying having some access to the beach for a change.

    mykl mykl
    Posts 16
    Comments 202