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Leftist circlejerks everywhere

Am I the only one who gets bunch of posts from leftist and even communist subs/circlejerks in their feed? It's kinda weird to see genzedong and similar popping up in hot/rising feed. This just hopefully some of the growing pains of a new platform.


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  • Let's be fair here, they're probably talking about the properly far extremes. The Nazis and the communists both killed millions and caused a lot of suffering last century. Horseshoe theory and all that.

    Obviously the far left you typically encounter online doesn't tend to be authoritarian-communist-regime levels of far left, but I feel like people are being a little to hostile to the idea that extreme in general are pretty bad things.

    • We should always be suspicious when someone starts both-sides'ing Nazis and Communists. Only one side was killing Nazis, after all.

      • And yet events like the Katyn Massacre come to mind.

        • Yes, war crimes are bad, but you are a sick puppy, or hopefully just very mistaken, if you think that or any other Soviet atrocities puts the USSR on par with Nazi Germany.

          • Just because I only referenced on item doesn't mean there aren't millions more souls attributable to the USSR. The USSR easily cost more lives in Poland than Hitler/Nazi's did. Not just because of WW2... but because of the mass murder committed for the next 40 years under USSR rule.

            I'm first generation American. My grandfather taught me exactly how it was under Communist rule. I'm far from mistaken and have literally dozens of phone numbers I can call to get a first hand account of it all going all the way back to WW2.

            • Uh huh, and how many of those "victims of communism" were actually some of the worst people in the world at the time, like Czarists and Nazis? Sorry your grandfather is bitter that he didn't get the dacha he wanted or whatever.

              • Considering that my grandfather was an officer in the polish navy... You're barking up the wrong tree buddy. He would have been "blessed" by the communist government to hold his position. He would be "privileged". And still holds the USSR as literally the worst thing he's had to live through. Imagine that.

                But keep making assumptions about stuff you clearly know nothing about nor have lived through.

                Edit: Forget the fact that even though my Grandfather would have been "privileged". Many of my family weren't... They were murdered and sent to Siberia to be forgotten. I literally have names... of people who were directly related to me. But come back and tell me they were the worst in the world... My family came from nothing and did nothing in the grand scheme.

                • Sorry that your family had a bad time. It's still wild that you don't think the Nazis were incomparably worse.

                  • You cannot use “incomparably” and “worse” in the same sentence. Worse designates a comparison between two things. Meaning one is inferior to the other. If by worse we are talking about murder (because this is what the conversation was pointed to), let’s look at the numbers: Hitler - roughly 20 mil including soviet civilians Stalin - Roughly 45 million Mao - Roughly 40 million (in a 4 year period) Ongoing Uyghur genocide in modern day Communist China - MINIMUM 500K in camps with an estimated 12 million persons who identify in that group. Obviously the government isn't going to actually disclose the REAL numbers.

                    • You can indeed describe something as incomparably worse when it is so bad that a comparison doesn't make sense or there's no point to making one. I really don't think I'm the one who's out of line here.

                      Anyway, the whole "victims of communism" trope you're invoking is just embarrassingly facile. The numbers are contrived and no consideration is ever given to the terrible conditions out of which the various revolutions came or the horrible forces they were subsequently up against, let alone comparative conditions in the so-called free world. Everyone who ever lived and died in a communist state is a crime against humanity, but whenever someone dies in the US because they had to choose between medicine and rent it's their own damn fault. Give me a break.

    • How reasonable of you. Critical thinking skills provide a person the ability to hold two competing notions in their head. One does not need to win out for critical thoughts of the other to remain. I get annoyed that everyone wants things to be black and white (e.g. Dems good GOP bad). It’s not that simple and we need to stop trying to reduce it to such polar language. The left also has corruption. The corruption in the left has also lead us to this precise point in history. The democratic party was heavily dishonest with primaries during the last Clinton campaign. They intentionally squashed and targeted other democratic candidates.

      I wish we would stop ignoring all the problems just because it doesn’t suit a narrative that one side is good and the other is bad. It’s not that simple. One is absolutely worst than the other, but they both need each other to exist. People need to stop pretending like left shit don’t stink. It does because it is also shit. The left is not at all exempt from corruption. All humans are susceptible to corruption, especially humans in positions of power. Views taken to any extreme are almost always bad.

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