Where I live they legalized marijuana, but didn't issue licenses for legal dispensaries for almost two years. Nearly every corner store and head shop is a front . There's even a pizza shop near by with weed for sale openly.
To be fair, when I slung pies in a college town back when, one of the night guys was a local shroom dealer and would take orders for "custom" pizzas. We didn't do delivery, so little bundles of fun went out the window inside the pizza boxes (tucked in with the parm & chili flake packets) on the regular.
Funny story, when they first legalized it in Colorado but before issuing licenses, I was there for a weekend and there was a guy selling "I❤️CO" bumper stickers, but where the heart is a weed leaf, for 50 bucks a piece that come with a complementary eighth. He delivered like a pizza guy.