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Best text to image generator

I have used several different generators. What they all seem to have in common is that they don't always display what I am asking for. Example: if I am looking for a person in jeans and t-shirt, I will get images of a person wear things totally different clothing and it isn't consistent. Another example is if I want a full body picture, that command seems to be ignored giving just waist up or just below the waist. Same goes if I ask for side views or back views. Sometimes they work. Sometimes they don't. More often they don't. I have also seen that none of the negative requests seem to actually work. If I ask for pictures of people and don't want them using cell phones or no tattoos, like magic they have cell phones. Some have tattoos. I have noticed this in every single generator I have used. Am I asking for things the wrong way or is the AI doing whatever it wants and not paying attention to my actual request?


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